When you control your thoughts and emotions, you control everything.

You will never see what you are capable of, although you must seek to.

Elegant persuasion is when the other person thought it was their idea.

Let your yes be yes and your no be no--you can always change your mind.

When you love someone, what they want is the best that you can give them.

Either create your own journey or you'll become a part of someone else's.

To forgive someone means to take away the power this person has over you.

With constant repetition and reinforcement, new habits are easily formed.

You must recognize that we train the people in our lives how to treat us.

People will always respect you when you're in the process of being better.

The only way faith can be relevant is by preparing the mind to receive it.

The stress of an action diminishes rapidly after that action is performed.

The sooner you go down any path, the sooner you'll know what action to take.

Determine where you are going and how you will get there will become obvious.

Remember that when you love yourself, you are a greater gift to someone else.

To yourself you are what you think. To the outside world, you are what you do.

To find what we aren't able to find, we must look in a place we haven't looked.

What you are willing to lose will be proportionate to what you are able to win.

Not appreciating what we have now, robs us of our abundance even when it exists.

Instead of looking for love, let it happen by being the best you that you can be.

Either you will do now what it takes or ten years from now you wish that you had.

Every time you respond in a certain fashion, it gets easier and easier to respond.

When you truly desire change, your conscious mind chooses the positive, new action.

Either make your money work for you or you will always have to work for your money.

Do exactly the opposite of what the sheep are doing in order to become the Shepherd.

The power of faith is suspending judgment long enough to gain the rewards available.

People will always be more willing to give you things that they think you don't need.

People reach a point of readiness for change when they reach their own personal bottom.

If someone lies to you, be quick to forgive & they'll be more apt to tell you the truth.

Everything begins in thought and the reality is only our interpretation of the situation.

Self-programming, what you believe and affirm about yourself, is the basis of who you are.

Consistently ask yourself: 'Is what I'm doing right now working for me or working against me?

Everything begins with a thought, and thoughts are turned into plans, and plans into reality.

When you know exactly what you want, then you will appreciate it more when you experience it.

Either you don't know how to do something or you choose not to do something. There is no CANT!

Turn your 'problems' into 'challenges' and you will suddenly see results in a more positive light.

One of the first ways to begin building your self-confidence is to focus on what's great about you.

You simply cannot blame anyone or anything for causing you to be, think or respond in a certain way.

Unless you love yourself, it's difficult to respect anyone else who holds that high an opinion of you.

When you think what someone thinks & do what they do, you'll find that you'll produce a similar result.

When you break an agreement in a relationship, you must offer an amendment first, or it is meaningless.

Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle; it was meant to be an adventure. Start living the adventure now!

Ask yourself: Where do I want to go? Recognize where you are now, then figure out the steps to get there.

To get what you want you must communicate with others in a way that inspires them to want to give it to you.

The rich do get richer - meaning that those who appreciate what they have will get more. Be grateful everyday.

Laughter is a release of tension. When influencing, make the other person laugh; you'll gain rapport instantly.

You don't need to do anything to be loved. Just be who you know you are. It's the only way to experience real love.

You must learn to love, respect and believe in yourself. To accomplish this, begin by restructuring your current self-programming.

You can never get more by saying "No." You can hold a current position by saying "No", but you can only move forward by saying "Yes."

You choose how to feel and act every moment of every day. The moment you accept this responsibility completely, you gain total control over your life.

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