What got you here won't get you there.

To help others develop, start with yourself.

Never confuse acquiring degrees with wisdom.

Anybody can change, but they have to want to change.

The best knowledge workers are working for more than money.

If you aren't opening doors for people, you are closing them!

I have a lot of deficiencies, but gratitude is not one of them.

The only way to cure the disease is to find happiness and meaning now.

I regard gratitude as an asset and its absence a major interpersonal flaw.

An excuse is the handy explanation we offer when we disappoint other people.

The last thing I say on most phone calls is not, 'Goodbye,' but, 'Thank you.'

Great leaders encourage leadership development. By openly developing themselves

When you say, 'I'm sorry,' you turn people into your allies, even your partners.

Treat every piece of advice as a gift or a compliment and simply say, “Thank you.

If the CEO is not going to give you a fair chance, you're probably not going to win.

Remember that when criticism is difficult to accept, there is probably some truth to it.

It can be more productive to help people learn to be 'right' than prove they were 'wrong.'

It is a whole lot easier to see our problems in others than it is to see them in ourselves.

My job is to show my clients that their anger is rarely someone else's fault. It's their flaw.

When we do what we have to do we are compliant. When we do what we choose to do we are committed.

Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to others.

With problems and issues groups face- there is an enormous disconnect between understanding and doing.

Leadership is providing inspiration and vision, then developing and empowering others to achieve this vision.

Change is not a one-way street- it involves two parties: the person who is changing and the people who notice it.

Gratitude is not a limited resource, nor is it costly. It is abundant as air. We breathe it in but forget to exhale.

Once you get a reputation for emotional volatility, it can take years of model behavior to change how others see you.

Those who lead by example and demonstrate passion for what they do make it much easier for their followers to do the same.

Lasting goal achievement requires lots of time, hard work, sacrifice & dedication to a process that is maintained over years.

The only thing I don't think people don't understand about good leaders is that they're both good and lucky. A lot of it is timing.

The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It's in here. And happiness is not next week. It's now.

When we stop thinking about ourselves, when we stop being so devoted to 'me,' we can start behaving in a way that actually benefits others!

The major challenge of most executives is not understanding the practice of leadership - it is practicing their understanding of leadership.

Coaching works best with high potential people who are willing to make a concerted effort to change, not as a religious conversion activity.

As I've gotten older, I've gotten simpler - my level of aspiration has actually gone down and down. But my level of impact has gone up and up.

When we presume that we are better than people who need structure and guidance, we lack one of the most crucial ingredients for change: humility.

I don't get paid if my clients don't get better by a certain time period. And sure, I have not been paid before. We all fail sometimes; it's okay.

After living with their dysfunctional behavior for so many years, people become invested in defending their dysfunctions rather than changing them.

A leader who is self-aware enough to know that he or she is not adept at everything is one who has taken the first step toward being a great leader.

It's not appropriate to pass judgment when we specifically ask people to voice their opinions... even if you ask a question and agree with the answer.

Research indicates that the desire to achieve the skills associated with success is more highly correlated with achievement than the desire for success itself.

If somebody is going in the wrong direction, behavioral coaching just helps them get there faster. It doesn't turn the wrong direction into the right direction.

If we really want to make change, we have to make peace with the fact that we cannot self-exempt every time the calendar offers us a more attractive alternative.

Understanding the past is perfectly admissible if your issue is accepting the past. But if your issue is changing the future, understanding will not take you there.

If we can sacrifice something comfortable, that we're 'too good at,' that might even be holding us back, we'll have more room to grow into the person we want to be.

People will do something—including changing their behavior—only if it can be demonstrated that doing so is in their own best interests as defined by their own values.

Life is short. Do whatever you can to help people - not for status, but because the 95-year-old you will be proud if you did help people and disappointed if you didn't.

The best way that we can begin to produce positive change is to make peace with what is in ourselves and others, and then work to move forward and make life even better.

Almost everyone I meet is successful because of doing a lot of things right, and almost everyone I meet is successful in spite of some behavior that defies common sense.

To me, the #1 key to success is 'creating lasting positive change in yourself and others.' That is what is most rare, most difficult, and most valuable about leading people.

One of the most important actions, things a leader can do, is to lead by example. If you want everyone else to be passionate, committed, dedicated, and motivated, you go first!

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