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When you think of pristine preservation of America, you immediately think of Tulsa and Oklahoma.
Hillary Clinton has emphasized that she is afflicted with or possessed of the responsibility gene.
I think Hillary Clinton - first of all, it's a great victory, acknowledge it. She has made history.
George Bush says what John Kerry did was noble. Yet he sees him being savaged by his own supporters.
The Democrats have tried the war against women in the past. It didn't really have that much traction.
That's what the conservative movement has become, is basically an annex of the [Donald] Trump campaign.
I think Donald Trump is obviously the more colorful, the more flamboyant, the more dominant personality.
I think Guantanamo, has been synonymous with the staining of American values and American legal tradition.
Donald Trump is appealing to the basest, the most selfish and the most literally un-American of instincts.
If Mitt Romney had got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of Hispanics, he would have defeated Barack Obama.
Franklin Roosevelt had a pretty clear line. Ronald Reagan had a pretty clear line, people who rescue parties.
There is nothing more basic to our democracy than the right to participate in electing our political leaders.
The stated objective and the mission of Vladimir Putin's Russia is to destabilize the North Atlantic Alliance.
The problem is that what Donald Trump said, if you take it literally now, is cause for anxiety and nervousness.
I think it's fair to say that Donald Trump was born without the embarrassment gene or the moral reservation gene.
Now Republicans are a more interventionist party than they have been at any time since George W. Bush left office.
There is no tougher job in America than being a cop on the beat in a major city in this country, big and brawling.
Critics of Donald Trump take him literally, but not seriously. His supporters take him seriously, but not literally.
I'm not sure Betsy DeVos has ever spent a day in a public school. And I don't - I'm pretty sure Donald Trump hasn't.
Americans don't like the way Washington operates. They don't like Washington. They don't like the way things are going.
There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better.
The studies that show the reason Washington real estate is booming and there are so many lobbyists in town, it does pay.
The Democrats are standing on one side, and the Republicans are playing games on the other. Both sides are playing games.
Stronger together is, I think, a preposition and a comparative adjective, but it's not really an action verb or what it is.
It's interesting how identity politics and Ann Coulter-style tactics have now blossomed. But they were always there in CPAC.
American education will be determined by the quality of American public education, and that's public schools that are available.
Let's give the president some due here. They had a mess, and he fixed it, and they mobilized a lot of authority, and they did it.
Health care, it's going to be political. It's going to be, let's say, the confluence of the politics and the messy implementation.
As Bill Clinton said so eloquently at the convention, during Vietnam there was a chance to serve; there was a chance not to serve.
When the size of the group supporting your cause reaches a critical mass, any legislator or elected official has to pay attention.
[Donald] Trump is instructive.For Trump, it was that the global economy and the international world order were failing regular people.
Lee Atwater,[Ronald] Reagan's strategist, had no patience for CPAC, because he thought they were sort of wild and immature, basically.
[In politics] when A goes after B and there's a C, and D and a Q all lined up there, you have no idea who's going to be the beneficiary.
[The Republicans] looked at basically the failed wars and they said, oh, this, us being the policeman of the world, that is not working.
If Donald Trump does lose, being revealed as this bizarre personality, Ted Cruz is not going to be what Republicans are looking for in 2020.
Donald Trump manages to personalize everything. He brings chaos. He will not admit that he's ever made a mistake, that he's ever been wrong.
The organizing principle of the United States defensive foreign policy had been opposition to the Soviet Union. There is no more Soviet Union.
[Donald trump] is moved from the enemy being Barack Obama, now gone, fading is Hillary Clinton, and there is no question he's chosen the enemy.
I don't hear any clear, coherent message [from Democrats]. I mean, when you're a party out of power, it's the time to be a national party chair.
When the party holds the White House, all the political decisions are made in the White House. And being a party chair, you're just an artifact.
If you only make fights that you're going to win, there would be no women's vote in America, there would be no civil rights laws in the country.
The failure to invest in our public transportation and public life, I think, is a scandal and a shame, and it should be a national embarrassment.
[Hillary] Clinton is much more embracing of the global economy and the international world order. [Ben] Sanders and [Scott] Warren are much less so.
Americans don't like powerful figures who punch down, that is, who pick on someone less powerful and less able to speak for themselves than they are.
White working-class voters or working-class voters have felt abandoned, have felt, in many senses, disparaged by the political leadership of America.
The corporations who invest in lobbyists, it pays in terms of tax loopholes, tax subsidies, all the rest. It pays. Clearly, the money has a big effect.
The important thing to understand about legislators is that there are dozens of competing interests and issues that occupy them. They are stretched thin.
At a time when the public is sour on politicians, have no use for them, Bill Clinton has risen to a different level. Bill Clinton is endlessly interesting.
The Democrats have an economic message that is directed at people at the lower end. That has been their cornerstone. The Republicans has been more upscale.
Whether it's her [ Hillary Clinton] guarded privacy or whatever else, I mean, there has got to be some sense that this is a human being that I can identify.