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You cannot build God’s reputation if you aren’t willing to risk yours.
Half of learning is learning. The other half of learning is unlearning.
The supernatural laws of prayer defy the natural laws of time and space.
If you are BIG ENOUGH for your dream, your dream isn't BIG ENOUGH for God.
The antidote for fear of failure is not success but small doses of failure.
Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life.
Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do.
New media is like a megaphone. It amplifies your ability to reach more people.
And when you pray to God regularly, irregular things happen on a regular basis.
If Jesus were living in our culture, he would probably hang out in coffeehouses.
Maybe it's time to stop creating God in our image and let Him create you in His.
Finally, I learned that we shouldn’t seek answers as much as we should seek God.
Do you trust that God is for you even when He doesn’t give you what you asked for?
When did we start believing God wants to send us to safe places to do easy things?
The greatest tragedy in life is that some prayers go unanswered as they go unasked.
More often than not, the only thing between you and your dream is a rational excuse.
Nothing honors God more than a Big Dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish!
Verse by verse, the Bible becomes more than theory. It becomes my firsthand experience.
All of us love miracles. We just don't like being in a situation that necessitates one.
Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you and remembering what's right with God.
If you're bored, one thing is for sure: You're not following in the footsteps of Christ.
If you seek answers you won't find them, but if you seek God, the answers will find you.
When we cling too tightly to what God did last, we often miss what God wants to do next.
One of the truest tests of spiritual maturity is seeing the miraculous in the monotonous.
What sets lion chasers apart isn’t the outcome. It’s the courage to chase God-sized dreams.
Most God-ordained dreams die because we are not willing to do something that seems illogical
You are only one prayer away from a dream fulfilled, a promise kept, or a miracle performed.
We give up too easily. We give up too soon. We quit praying right before the miracle happens.
The circumstances we ask God to CHANGE are often the circumstances God is using to CHANGE US.
Have you ever noticed that when you pray, coincidences happen? And when you don't, they don't.
I’ve discovered that if I don’t take the first step, God generally won’t reveal the next step.
To me, growing into spiritual maturity is becoming less self-conscious and more God-conscious.
The greatest tragedy in life is the prayers that go unanswered simply because they go unasked.
GOALS are dreams with deadlines, and without those deadlines, our dreams are dead in the water.
Our Heavenly Father is far too wise and loves us far too much to give us everything we ask for.
I'm a lifelong Vikings and Packers fan because I lived in both Minnesota and Wisconsin as a kid.
It's hard for me to imagine why a church that has younger members wouldn't have a blog component.
Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes.
God is not a genie in a bottle, and your wish is not His command. His command better be your wish.
Don't wait to worship God until you get to the Promised Land; you've got to worship along the way.
Lion chasers are humble enough to let God call the shots and brave enough to follow where He leads.
God wants you to get where God wants you to go more than you want to get where God wants you to go.
If you wait for perfect conditions to seize an opportunity, you'll be waiting till the day you die.
You are someone else's miracle! God is setting up divine appointments and it is our job to keep them
When God blesses you financially, don't raise your STANDARD OF LIVING. raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.
Whatever God wants to do through you, He will do in you first. You've got to be what you want to see.
If you really believe in the message you're preaching, you want as many people as possible to listen.
Half of spiritual growth is learning what we don't know. The other half is unlearning what we do know.
If you plant yourself in one place and let your roots grow deep, there is no limit to what God can do.
Pursuing a God-ordained passion, no matter how crazy it seems, is the most responsible thing you can do.