I want to be famous in my home.

To the infinite, all finites are equal.

If you want to see God move make a move.

Faith is the willingness to look foolish.

Who you become is determined by how you pray

I am a pastor so I eat and breathe the Church.

When you open your Bible, God opens His mouth.

If we repent, God always recycles our mistakes.

The Bible is the place where God bears His soul.

Uniqueness isn't a virtue. It's a responsibility.

Never underestimate the power of a single prayer.

The only way you can fail is if you stop praying.

Learning isn't a luxury; it's a stewardship issue

I think twenty-somethings are very cause-oriented.

God won't answer 100% of the prayers we don't pray.

The gospel costs nothing but it demands everything.

If we do the ordinary, God will add an extra to it.

The day we stop dreaming is the day we start dying.

If you don't take the risk, you forfeit the miracle.

Whatever you don't turn into PRAISE turns into PRIDE.

Don’t accumulate possessions; accumulate experiences!

One God idea is worth more than a thousand good ideas.

If you aren't hungry for God, you are full of yourself.

Jesus on Twitter would have been a pretty amazing thing.

When we change the way that we pray, everything changes.

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Id rather be biblically correct than politically correct.

I'd rather be biblically correct than politically correct.

The plans of God are only revealed in the presence of God.

Because you know He can, you can pray with holy confidence.

Prayer is the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave.

Faith doesn't reduce uncertainty. Faith embraces uncertainty.

Don't seek opportunity. Seek God and opportunity will seek you.

Jesus didn't die to make us safe. He died to make us dangerous.

The key to getting out of the boat is hearing the voice of God.

In an urban environment, a church building is a thing of the past.

The genealogy of blessing always traces back to God-ordained risk.

You'll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent.

If you want to find your voice, you need to hear the voice of God.

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.

God blesses us more so that we can be more of a blessing to others.

Imagination is the road less taken, but it is the pathway of prayer.

If you keep circling the promise, God will ultimately deliver on it.

The outcome of your life will be determined by your outlook on life.

Leaders need the courage to acknowledge when something isn't working.

I'm pretty intentional about being highly invested in my kids' lives.

You can have faith or you can have control, but you cannot have both.

Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

It’s much easier to act like a Christian than it is to react like one!

You are only one defining decision away from a totally different life!

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