Death makes us all equal.

The heart has no wrinkles.

True friendship is never serene.

The world has no long injustices.

if I inflict wounds, I heal them.

The heart never becomes wrinkled.

The human heart will never wrinkle

It is freezing fit to split a stone.

It is a disgraceful thing to be ignorant.

It is the fine rain that soaks us through.

I pity those who have no taste for reading.

We like no noise unless we make it ourselves.

Happiness, like misfortunes, never comes alone.

Faith creates the virtues in which it believes.

Racine will pass away like the taste for coffee.

There is nobody who is not dangerous for someone.

We are always on the side of those who speak last.

Long life will sometimes obscure the star of fame.

Fortune is always on the side of the largest battalions.

war often breaks out when there is the most talk of peace.

I fear nothing so much as a man who is witty all day long.

matrimony is a very dangerous disorder; I had rather drink.

There is no one who does not represent a danger to someone.

It is not always sorrow that opens the fountains of the eyes.

Oh Dear! How unfortunate I am not to have anyone to weep with!

Ah, what a grudge I owe physicians! what mummery is their art!

Why do we discover faults so much more readily than perfection.

There are twelve hours in the day, and above fifty in the night.

Reason bears disgrace, courage combats it, patience surmounts it.

When we reckon without Providence, we must frequently reckon twice.

I know of no sorrow greater than that occasioned by a delay of the post.

I dislike clocks with second-hands; they cut up life into too small pieces.

It is sometimes best to slip over thoughts and not go to the bottom of them.

good and evil travel on the same road, but they leave different impressions.

Not to find pleasure in serious reading gives a pastel coloring to the mind.

When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever step out of it.

We must always live in hope; without that consolation there would be no living.

Thicken your religion a little. It is evaporating altogether by being subtilized.

I am persuaded that the greater part of our complaints arise from want of exercise.

winter is past, and we have a prospect of spring that is superior to spring itself.

there are some people who never acknowledge themselves in the wrong; God help them!

Friendships take work. Use disagreements as opportunity to come out better on the other side

We are so fond of hearing ourselves spoken of, that, be it good or ill, it is still pleasing.

We are never satisfied with having done well; and in endeavoring to do better, we do much worse.

Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship. True friendship is never serene.

. . . it seldom happens, I think, that a man has the civility to die when all the world wishes it.

I love you so passionately, that I hide a great part of my love, so as not to oppress you with it.

... we ought to be astonished at nothing; for what do we not meet with in our journey through life?

Religious people spend so much time with their confessors because they like to talk about themselves.

There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of God and we should cherish it as such.

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