The essential thing is to arouse such an interest that it engages the child’s whole personality.

For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind?

A humankind abandoned in its earlier formative stage becomes its own greatest threat to survival.

The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs, The Child.

To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.

Respect all the reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages and try to understand them.

Little children, from the moment in which they are weaned, are making their way toward independence.

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn.

The child has other powers than ours, and the creation he achieves is no small one; it is everything.

The child's conquests of independence are the basic steps in what is called his 'natural development'.

Our goal is not so much the imparting of knowledge as the unveiling and developing of spiritual energy.

The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.

The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.

Children are not only sensitive to silence, but also to a voice which calls them ... Out of that silence.

To stimulate life, leaving it then free to develop, to unfold, herein lies the first task of the teacher.

Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child.

No one can be free unless he is independent... In reality, he who is served is limited in his independence.

At about a year and a half, the child discovers another fact, and that is that each thing has its own name.

To teach details is to bring confusion; to establish the relationship between things is to bring knowledge.

Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.

The child can only develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience 'work'.

As soon as children find something that interests them they lose their instability and learn to concentrate.

Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.

Education demands, then, only this: the utilization of the inner powers of the child for his own instruction.

Let us treat them [children], therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.

Noble ideas, great sentiments have always existed and have always been transmitted, but wars have never ceased.

How can any one paint who cannot grade colors? How can any one write poetry who has not learnt to hear and see?

If help and salvation are to come they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men.

It is not in human nature for all men to tread the same path of development, as animals do of a single species.

There are many things which no teacher can convey to a child of three, but a child of five can do it with ease.

The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels.

If help and salvation are to come, they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men.

The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.

The only language men ever speak perfectly is the one they learn in babyhood, when no one can teach them anything!

The child, in fact, once he feels sure of himself, will no longer seek the approval of authority after every step.

Only when the child is able to identify its own center with the center of the universe does education really begin.

Adults have not understood children or adolescents and they are, as a consequence, in continual conflict with them.

All our handling of the child will bear fruit, not only at the moment, but in the adult they are destined to become.

Childhood constitutes the most important element in an adult's life, for it is in his early years that a man is made.

The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.

To let the child do as he likes when he has not yet developed any powers of control is to betray the idea of freedom.

The world of education is like an island where people cut off from the world are prepared for life by exclusion from it.

The greatest sign of success for a to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."

If intelligence is the triumph of life, the spoken word is the marvellous means by which this intelligence is manifested.

The role of education is to interest the child profoundly in an external activity to which he will give all his potential

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.'

We must support as much as possible the child's desires for activity; not wait on him, but educate him to be independent.

We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.

Two things are necessary, the development of individuality and the participation of the individual in a truly social life.

It follows that at the beginning of his life the individual can accomplish wonders without effort and quite unconsciously.

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