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If you grow the food you eat, it tastes better. Seasonal vegetables are grown at the right time, and you can make sure everything matures on the plant or on the tree. It's as fresh as you can get.
I'm somebody that really locks in to play, and it's not easy to say hello to all the ushers and all the people who work around the team and then try to execute the game plan and beat the other team.
I make gazpacho with a little bit of bread, so it's thicker, and I like it to be more tomato- and green pepper-based. Everyone has their own preferences, of course. But I think my gazpacho is the best.
My grandma used to have a backyard and we put a hoop, a shaky hoop, up there. We used to just shoot at it. We shot at it so many times, we broke it. We had to get a better one, because that one wasn't good at all.
We gotta educate the kids. You've got to do your job as a citizen, but the same time, you have to also give the tools to the society to learn and create their habits so it's a seamless transition to become a better society.
I think you could say that, a lot of players are insecure and sometimes we have this shield around us that we don't want to accept that we have problems sometimes or we don't know how to do things because we're these superheroes.
My relationship with the Grizzlies might change, but my relationship with Memphis won't. What I feel inside and how I feel about Memphis and its people has nothing to do with a franchise or a temporary thing. It's not going to change.
Just because it says 'zero calories' or 'sugar free' or 'fat free' doesn't mean it actually is good for you. It's a way to get you. Just make sure that you know. We think that we can put stuff in our body. Just know how it affects you.
A homegrown tomato, you're never going to taste anything like it. There is nothing close to it, the sweetness. And strawberries: The ones you get in the store are so hard; but you get a homegrown strawberry, it just melts, I'm telling you.
You have pretty much the same fan base in Memphis, year over year the same group. We watched teenagers in the stands become parents. You'd see little kids become young men and women. Those relationships mean much more than just basketball.
As an athlete, if you train your body but don't fuel it the right way, that doesn't make much sense. Adopting a plant-based diet with the right amount of proteins that came from the right places was the way to go. I also just love gardening.
The older you get the more you realize that life is more than just basketball. Your vision of the world gets much wider, and you're not the centre of it no more. You understand that you're a moving part and that you have other responsibilities.
When I see somebody, I try to beat him on both ends of the floor. It's the game within the game that you've always got to win. That's always been my mindset. That's how I was taught how to play the game. That's how I learned. And that's what I enjoy.
Gardening does so much for your brain. You're learning how a process works, and how important it is to do everything right so that you can eventually enjoy a tomato three months later. I've always been patient, but gardening really helps you with that.
Homemade gazpacho tastes different than any gazpacho you can buy because you know exactly how much time it took for each plant to mature. That's why I would encourage buying at a farmers' market or at Whole Foods, because it comes straight from the source to your table.
I was never insecure. A lot of people ask me that - especially, did you feel pressure being Pau's brother? No, because I saw success through him. And I felt it. Because we're so close of a family, when he got recognition, I felt happy for him. I felt genuinely happy for him.
I still run into a lot of people from Memphis, all around the NBA. I feel like they're with me every game. I feel their love, their support, their pushing. I know they still cheer for me. They let me know they cheer for me. And there's a part of them with me in every game I play.
When you see the floor and you understand the game and you're trying to break it down with what you have in front of you, you can do it offensively and defensively. And you try to take advantage of it both ways. You see where the offense's head is and you can kind of read what you want to do.
Pau has a game that's impossible to imitate. He's so finesse and so skilled, it's impossible to imitate. Honestly, I'm a big fan of the game. I've never seen a player his size who has so many moves, so many counters and it's impossible. His length, his size, his skills - I mean, you can't teach that.
That's how I was taught my whole life. Like when you get a bad wheel, you got a sprained ankle, whatever you have, go find a way. Give your maximum or your highest percentage possible, for the best of the team. So that's the way I was always raised as far as basketball goes. And everything in life, but for sure basketball.
You really watch basketball and study basketball, the more you realize, the pass really is beautiful. I'm not just talking about the pass where you look away or anything. Just the right pass at the right time to get somebody open is just beautiful. There is nothing better than that. It's contagious - it makes everybody happy.
I was a different kind of kid. Pau always knew what he wanted. He was really good at school, really responsible. I was more of a loose cannon, honestly. I was running around and outside, and getting into a little trouble more than anything. But always in a good way. It was never my fault. It was the other guy. I was just there.
People think that a good passer is a flashy passer. But that's not a good pass. It's just a flashy pass. A good passer is someone who's gonna hit the guy right on the hands, and the timing is correct. You pass late, and it's not a good pass. You pass too early, it's not a good pass, either. If it's off-target, it's not a good pass.
There is no difference between the way we see basketball; the way we execute is a little bit different. The way he uses his right shoulder, drop-step to his left hand, is a thing of beauty. There is no doubt in my mind that Pau will be a Hall of Famer because of what he brought to the game, and there's no such players like him anymore.
I'm somebody that sets goals, enjoys the preparation and the planning to achieve those goals, and then really enjoys going through that plan really disciplined and achieving those goals... I enjoy the whole process. If you fail, you can backtrack and see, 'OK, that didn't go well, let's try something else and let's go that other route.'
In the frenzy, roller coaster of the season, you can play up and play down. But if you're strong enough, you can change those habits and tendencies and make them into championship-type habits and tendencies. That doesn't guarantee you that you're going to win, but it gives you the best chance. That's all I can ask for. That's all I want.