Mountain pose is the mother of all poses. The alignment of mountain pose is contained within every yoga posture.

I love the plie squat. I love that because I can feel my glutes and inner thighs, and it makes me feel grounded.

Flexibility depends upon your range of motion and will enable you to do more day-to-day tasks with comfort and ease.

I schedule 'me' time because, just like everyone else, I need to unwind. I try to remember to take it easy and breathe.

I started teaching spinning early when it was first happening in the '90s. I love the mind-body connection of spinning.

With tireless hours at your desk or traveling on a plane, it's important that you take time to stay connected to your body.

At the end of my daily yoga routine, lying on the floor in Corpse Pose, I feel as though I am floating in a sea of pure love.

Yoga is a part of who I am. It has given me a permanent relationship. A relationship between my body, my mind, and my emotions.

Taking a 10-minute meditation break is something you can do anywhere in your office, and it's so easy - you're not at the altar.

I am obsessed with the Mylkman. His fresh, handmade Almond Mylk is nondairy and the best I have ever had. It tastes like dessert.

Yoga is really all about process, acceptance, and becoming more present, and I really want to show that it can expand off the mat.

Each organ is related to an emotion, and the lungs are related to grief. When you clear your lungs, you eliminate grief and sadness.

The only difference between a flexible person and one who is not is that the flexible person has to go farther to get the same stretch.

Although I spent years thinking that I had fat arms, I am now approached by women daily who want to know how they can get arms like mine.

Even your favorite celebrities go through tough periods and have heartbreak. They must empower themselves with healthy choices, as do you!

Yoga will uplift you if you are feeling sluggish or down, relax you if you feel high-strung, and soften your edges if you are feeling angry.

I love a good, old-fashioned sliced apple sprinkled with salt and cinnamon, and sometimes cayenne, to enhance the flavor and give it a kick.

Iyengar yoga, hatha yoga, vinyasa flow - I love them all! My go-to is vinyasa, but I really love a mix of the purist forms and the fun stuff.

You can totally have a great little yoga routine in 20 minutes: 10 sun salutations and five or six standing poses and five minutes of stretching.

If you don't do yoga, it doesn't mean that you can't have a sense of detachment, which means not attaching yourself to your thoughts or your emotions.

Before you find a way to channel your emotional energy, you must take time to be still and actually feel. Meditation is a simple tool for becoming present.

I know from experience that one of the first things to drop off during great transitions, such as dealing with grief or loss, is taking care of our bodies.

Consider yourself your own kid. Take care of yourself the way you would your own child. You wouldn't wait until your child was crying to take care of him/her.

Cardio activity burns fat, and when you burn fat while building muscle, you change the ratio of stored fat to lean muscle mass, and your arms appear to be more defined.

I love yoga because it allows me to slow down and experience how good it feels to be in relationship to my body. It teaches me patience, acceptance, and how to receive.

One thing that those who are in shape have in common is that we are restricting. When eating, we are choosing what we put in our bodies. This arrests unconscious eating.

It was Helen Hunt who taught me to incorporate a consistent meditation practice. Her consistency - even when she was at her busiest and most public - was inspiration to me.

No matter what twists and turns your life offers you, your ability to be adaptable and flexible will help you to stay open to all of the hidden gifts that difficulty may offer.

I think the combo of spin and yoga is a yin and yang thing. It's very important to have balance. I like to bring energy to yoga, and spinning gets you very connected to your core.

I went to a school for experiential learning all around the city of Los Angeles. We went on at least 2 field trips a week, and I went there for 7 years, so I have seen a lot of this city.

Many people talk about the mind-body connection and how what we think can affect our physical self. What I have found, even more than the mental connection, is that the emotions rule the body.

My father was really into yoga, and back then, it seemed like we were really the only ones who knew about yoga. It amazes me now... just what a movement yoga has become and what an industry it's become.

I think that whenever we're physical, not just in yoga, I think that physical exercise brings up a lot of emotional things. If someone's in a spinning class, they might just start crying. That just happens.

My father was a complex man - expansive and uncontainable, volatile and aggressive. He was also the one who introduced me to yoga. He practiced daily, and I would sometimes practice alongside him. His example inspired me.

My father first brought yoga into my life when I was 7. He began yoga, meditation, and diet to help with his back injuries incurred from being really athletic. Once he healed, he began to use yoga to take his body to a new level.

It's no secret that I've worked with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Kate Beckinsale and Helen Hunt. These women have more than just incredible physiques - they have an inner strength, grace ,and comfort in their own skin, no matter what life serves up.

I was born in L.A., so there's a lot of focus on getting into great shape, and, for me, I found that when I started to be more loving to myself and find ways to get excited about my exercise routine, I got into shape easier and faster, and it became a lifestyle.

My father left our family for his 'yoga buddy' in 1984, when I was 15. I always stayed in touch with him - I had a deep need to be connected to my father, even though it could be painful at times. I shunned the yoga community because of his actions but eventually realized that yoga could be the antidote to my pain.

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