I love '60s styles.

I want to do theater, TV, movies.

I don't want to be that girl hobbling around in heels, falling in snow.

I personally want to come across as authentic and real. I don't judge anyone.

I'm trying hard to keep my Australian accent. My mom would disown me if I didn't.

That's what's cool about working for Disney: everyone gets along. It's like a family.

If I were to explore music, I'd want to just focus on that and make that my priority.

I play guitar, so that's kind of my outlet, but its just something I want to keep for myself.

I've never been to acting classes or anything like that. Everything I do is quite instinctual.

It's fun to play dress up for work, but when you have those off-days, it's nice to just be low-key.

I'd love to be on an Australian show and in Australian cinemas - they've really picked up their game.

I have a family member who was in the foster system briefly, and so I've kind of grown up knowing about it myself.

I play guitar and write music, and that's definitely a huge part of my life, but it's my personal thing that I have for me.

I'd love to start doing some films and really kind of pursue acting as much as possible. That's really where my main focus is.

'The Fosters' is such a fun show to shoot, and I always look forward to getting the new script because we keep pushing the boundaries.

My mum always encouraged me that less is more, make-up wise. I think that's why I feel more confident when I have a fresh and natural face.

If I'm in work mode and going to meetings, I'll make an effort and dress up, but when I'm at home or just chilling, I'm in beanies and jeans and sneakers.

My mum always reminds me to trust my instincts. If a project doesn't feel right and doesn't excite me, it's likely it won't help me to get to where I want to be.

There's been certain opportunities that have arisen that would have been financially quite advantageous but, creatively, would have steered me away from my career plan.

I never thought I would be recording on any professional level, so to be doing a rockabilly, Motown, pop soundtrack in a L.A. studio was completely bizarre and amazing.

I have been very careful about what kind of products and companies I endorse just because I don't want to be promoting anything that I don't have any kind of connection to.

I'm not ruling out music forever. I'd love to do that, but if I ever did, I don't think it would be with a record label or anything like that. It might even look like me finding a band and kind of playing in bars.

Everyone should be themselves, and everybody makes mistakes, and young people who have a platform like I have, I know people who have a much bigger platform who are much more influential, who have made mistakes and learnt from them and had to do that on a public stage.

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