Ramanama can be used only for a good, never for an evil end, or else thieves and robbers would be the greatest devotees.

The Congress fights not with violent but with nonviolent means, however imperfect, however crude the nonviolence may be.

The movement of nonviolent non-co-operation has nothing in common with the historical struggles for freedom in the West.

Men say I am a saint losing himself in politics. The fact is that I am a politician trying my hardest to become a saint.

The history of the world is full of men who rose to leadership, by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.

A satyagrahi turns the searchlight inward relentlessly to weed out all the defects that may be lying hidden there still.

Duly Enlightened Gandhi's head by Mall of the 'Free Press Journal,' Bombay, in 1932Watches may disagree, but let us not.

The notion of education through handicrafts rises from the contemplation of truth and love permeating life's activities.

A bogus Congress register can never lead you to Swaraj any more than a paper boat can help you to sail across the Padma.

Satyagraha is a law for universal application. Beginning with the family, its use can be extended to every other circle.

Truth is God, and Truth overrides all our plans. The whole Truth is only embodied within the heart of Great Power-Truth.

We want freedom for our country, but not at the expense or exploitation of others, not so as to degrade other countries.

War is an unmitigated evil. But it certainly does one good thing. It drives away fear and brings bravery to the surface.

Passive resistance seeks to rejoin politics and religion and to test all our actions in the light of ethical principles.

Widowhood imposed by religion or custom is an unbearable yoke and defiles the home by secret vice and degrades religion.

The need of the moment is not one religion, but mutual respect and tolerance of the devotees of the different religions.

Hinduism has become a conservative religion and, therefore, a mighty force because of the swadeshi spirit underlying it.

If anybody said that I should die if I did not take beef-tea or mutton, even under medical advice, I would prefer death.

Love based upon indulgence of animal passion, is at best a selfish affair, and likely to snap under the slightest strain.

No agreement between the British and Muslims can affect me. An agreement between Hindus and Muslims alone will affect me.

The very essence of our civilization is that we give a paramount place to morality in all our affairs, public or private.

Look at the sparrows; they do not know what they will do in the next moment. Let us literally live from moment to moment.

Where my own mission is concerned, my thought is active, and I try to wish everyone well in spite of doubts and mistrust.

If intellect plays a large part in the field of violence, I hold that it plays a larger part in the field of nonviolence.

For my own part, I do not want the freedom of India if it means extinction of English or the disappearance of Englishmen.

Civil disobedience is a stimulation for the fighters and a challenge to the opponent, in the present instance, authority.

When untouchability is rooted out, these distinctions will vanish and no one will consider himself superior to any other.

Final Satyagraha is inconceivable without an honorable peace between the several communities composing the Indian nation.

Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.

I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.

Democracy necessarily means a conflict of will and ideas, involving sometimes a war of the knife between different ideas.

Whatever strength the masses have is due entirely to ahimsa, however imperfect or defective its practice might have been.

The collectors of revenue and the policeman are the only symbols by which millions in India's villages know British rule.

A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal.

All great religions have rightly regarded kama as the arch-enemy of man, anger or hatred coming only in the second place.

If you will express the requisite purity of character in action, you cannot do it better than through the spinning wheel.

We burn the evil men do with their mortal remains. We treasure the memory of the good they do, and distance magnifies it.

The hater hates not for the sake of hatred but because he wants to drive away from his country the hated being or beings.

To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the truth within the soul.

Let us learn from the English rulers the simple fact that the oppressors are blind to the enormity of their own misdeeds.

No stone should be left unturned to bring home to the family members that untouchability is a sin and a blot on Hinduism.

For me, Rama and Rahim are one and the same deity. I acknowledge no other God but the one God of truth and righteousness.

For me the Voice of God, of Conscience, of Truth or the Inner Voice or the still small Voice mean one and the same thing.

The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. Freedom and slavery are mental states.

A mother would never by choice sleep in a wet bed but she would gladly do so in order to spare the dry bed for her child.

Domestic matters are trifles for us. But they occupy the principal part of my life. They teach me to know my limitations.

Satan mostly employs comparatively moral instruments and the language of ethics to give his aims an air of respectability.

Education without courage is like a wax statue - beautiful to look at but bound to melt at the first touch of a hot stuff.

The nonviolence I teach is active nonviolence of the strongest. But the weakest can partake in it without becoming weaker.

I have made the world's faith in God my own and as my faith is effaceable, I regard that faith as amounting to experience.

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