God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience.

Hindus, if they want unity among different races, must have the courage to trust the minorities.

The sky may be overcast today with clouds, but a fervent prayer to God is enough to dispel them.

Reasoned and willing obedience to the laws of the State is the first lesson in non-co-operation.

A seeker of truth will never begin by discounting his opponent's statement as unworthy of trust.

The finite human being shall never know in its fullness Truth and Love which is itself infinite.

What is really needed to make democracy function is not knowledge of facts, but right education.

Independence means voluntary restraints and discipline, voluntary acceptance of the rule of law.

That which you look upon as your own you may keep only so long as the world allows you to own it.

Since the propagation of nonviolence is the mission of my life, I must pursue it in all weathers.

They might kill me but they cannot kill Gandhism. If truth can be killed, Gandhism can be killed.

Violent means will give violent swaraj. That would be a menace to the world and to India herself.

Appreciation of nonviolence means patient research and still more patient and difficult practice.

If Britain were honest, which I dispute, she would then embrace all nations on terms of equality.

God has been described by all the scriptures of the world as protector and saviour of the sinner.

God is Light, not darkness. God is Love, not hate. God is truth, not untruth. God alone is great.

I find a solace a in the Bhagavadgita and Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount.

The external is in no way the essence of religion, but the external often proclaims the internal.

We may not go about parroting truth and nonviolence and steering clear of them in our daily life.

There is no hope for the aching world except through the narrow and straight path of nonviolence.

Unless you go on discovering new applications of the law of nonviolence, you do not profit by it.

My creed of nonviolence does not favour the punishment of thieves and dacoits and even murderers.

The world easily finds an honourable place for the magician who produces new and dazzling things.

Truthful movements spontaneously attract to themselves all manner of pure and disinterested help.

Mortification of the flesh has been held all the world over as a condition of spiritual progress.

Birth-control through self-restraint is the most desirable, sensible and totally harmless method.

For a firm believer in swadeshi, there need be no Pharisaical self-satisfaction in wearing khadi.

If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.

Mass civil disobedience is like an earthquake, a sort of general upheaval on the political plane.

Begin your day with prayer, and make it so soulful that it may remain with you until the evening.

India's freedom will not be won by violence but only by the purest suffering without retaliation.

No displeasure, even of the dearest friends, can put me off the duty I see clearly in front of me.

Crime and vice generally require darkness for prowling. They disappear when light plays upon them.

Man is the maker of his own destiny, and I therefore ask you to become makers of your own destiny.

There is no distrust of men and mankind in me. They will answer before God, so why should I worry?

I shall never know God if I do not wrestle with and against evil, even at the cost of life itself.

Violence is bound sooner or later to exhaust itself but peace cannot issue out of such exhaustion.

Robust faith in oneself and brave trust of the opponent, so called or real, is the best safeguard.

Our nonviolence in respect of the Government is a result of our incapacity for effective violence.

It is wonderful, if we chose the right diet, what an extraordinarily small quantity would suffice.

Not those who shout 'satyagraha', 'satyagraha' will do satyagraha, but those who will work for it.

Means are not to be distinguished from ends. If violent means are used, there will be bad results.

No Indian who aspires to follow the way of true religion can afford to remain aloof from politics.

The message of khaddar can penetrate to the remotest villages if we only will that it shall be so.

Education in the understanding of citizenship is a short-term affair if we are honest and earnest.

Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?

If you approached people with trust and affection you would have ten-fold trust and thousand-fold.

It only confirms me in my belief that there is no Swaraj without a settlement with the Mussalmans.

Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.

Ashram means a community of men of religion. I feel that an ashram was a necessity of life for me.

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