Non-co-operation is the nation's notice that it is no longer satisfied to be in tutelage.

For me the present is merged in eternity. I may not sacrifice the latter for the present.

Since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is.

To find truth completely is to realize oneself and one's destiny, i.e. to become perfect.

To change one's religion under the threat of force is no conversion but rather cowardice.

I recognise no God except the God that is to be found in the hearts of the dumb millions.

A mind not set on God is given to wandering and lacks the quality of a temple of worship.

Seek ye first the Charkha and its concomitants and everything else will be added unto you.

Though we are politically free, we are hardly free from the subtle domination of the West.

Reason has to be strengthened by suffering, and suffering opens the eyes of understanding.

Complete independence does not mean arrogant isolation or a superior disdain for all help.

It goes without saying that moderation and sobriety are of the very essence of vow-taking.

How can I even secretly harbour the thought that my neighbour's faith is inferior to mine?

Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame.

A nation that is unfit to fight cannot, from experience, prove the virtue of not fighting.

Non-co-operation is an attempt to awaken the masses to a sense of their dignity and power.

For me nonviolence is a creed. I must act up to it, whether I am alone or have companions.

Ramanama is for the pure at heart and for those who want to attain purity and remain pure.

Faith is not a delicate flower which would wither away under the slightest stormy weather.

Man is oftentimes weak-minded enough to be caught in the snare of greed and honeyed words.

Unless our hands go hand in hand with our heads, we will be able to do nothing whatsoever.

And he who would be friends with God must remain alone, or make the whole world his friend

If you have faith in the cause and the means and in God, the hot sun will be cool for you.

If you give me rice, I'll eat today; if you teach me how to grow rice, I'll eat every day.

If we have listening ears, God speaks to us in our own language, whatever that language be

We cannot be speakers who do not listen. But neither can we be listeners who do not speak.

The present war is the saturation point in violence. It spells, to my mind, also its doom.

There is enough for the need of everyone in this world, but not for the greed of everyone.

The spirit of democracy cannot be superimposed from the outside. It must come from within.

To remove untouchability is a penance that caste Hindus owe to Hinduism and to themselves.

Only an arrogant man will claim to be independent of everybody else and be self-contained.

Khadi will cease to have any value in my eyes if it does not usefully employ the millions.

Non-violence should never be used as a shield for cowardice. It is a weapon for the brave.

Yajna is duty to be performed, or service to be rendered, all twenty-four hours of the day.

Civil disobedience is the only nonviolent escape from the soul-destroying heat of violence.

Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself

I must not refrain from saying that India can gain more by waiving the right of punishment.

The test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that, too, unconditional assistance.

The meticulous care for the rights of the least among us is the sin qua non of nonviolence.

Nothing can so quickly put the masses on their legs as the spinning wheel and all it means.

The restoration of free speech, free association and free press is almost the whole Swaraj.

I hold that without truth and nonviolence there can be nothing but destruction of humanity.

If it is man's privilege to be independent, it is equally his duty to be inter - dependent.

Men like me feel that untouchability is no integral part of Hinduism, it is an excrescence.

A seeker after truth, a follower of the law of Love, cannot hold anything against tomorrow.

We become Godlike to the extent we realize nonviolence, but we can never become wholly God.

You can return blow for blow if you are not brave enough to follow the path of nonviolence.

We must always seek to ally ourselves with that part of the enemy that knows what is right.

Faith is not imparted like secular subjects. It is given through the language of the heart.

He who would in his own person test the fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith.

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