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We cannot have government for all the people until we first make certain it is government of and by all the people.
I know - from personal experience - that abiding values and abundant visions are learned in the homes of our people.
When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.
Effective law enforcement and social justice must be pursued together, as the foundation of our efforts against crime.
No nation in the world has had greater fortune than mine in sharing a continent with the people and the nation of Canada.
Men who have worked together to reach the stars are not likely to descend together into the depths of war and desolation.
The CIA is made up of boys whose families sent them to Princeton but wouldn't let them into the family brokerage business.
Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met - obligations to truth, to justice, and to liberty.
There's something special for everyone to do. Remember, no experience is a bad experience unless you gain nothing from it.
One lesson you better learn if you want to be in politics is that you never go out on a golf course and beat the President.
One hundred years ago, the slave was freed. One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin.
We preach the virtues of democracy abroad. We must practice its duties here at home. Voting is the first duty of democracy.
We have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society, but upward to the Great Society.
And Americans have always stood ready to pay the cost in energy and treasure which are needed to make those goals a reality.
You've got to work things out in the cloakroom, and when you've got them worked out, you can debate a little before you vote.
If you have a mother-in-law with only one eye and she has it in the center of her forehead, don't keep her in the living room.
The great society is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goods than with the quantity of their goods.
At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom.
Democracy is a constant tension between truth and half-truth and, in the arsenal of truth, there is no greater weapon than fact.
I once told Nixon that the Presidency is like being a jackass caught in a hail storm. You've got to just stand there and take it.
Today - wealthier, more powerful and more able than ever before in our history - our Nation can declare another essential freedom.
Extremism is the pursuit of the presidency is an unpardonable vice. Moderation in the affairs of the nation is the highest virtue.
Heck by the time a man scratches his behind, clears his throat, and tells me how smart he is, we've already wasted fifteen minutes.
We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim.'
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources--because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.
Free speech, free press, free religion, the right of free assembly, yes, the right of petition... well, they are still radical ideas.
I am going to build the kind of nation that President Roosevelt hoped for, President Truman worked for, and President Kennedy died for.
A man can take a little bourbon without getting drunk, but if you hold his mouth open and pour in a quart, he's going to get sick on it.
All of us realize that war requires action. What is sometimes harder for us to realize is that peace and neutrality also require action.
Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep, I ask myself this question: Have I done everything that I can.... Have I done enough?
Education is the key to opportunity in our society, and the equality of educational opportunity must be the birthright of every citizen.
Every citizen will be able, in his productive years when he is earning, to insure himself against the ravages of illness in his old age.
To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.
I don't believe I'll ever get credit for anything I do in foreign affairs, no matter how successful it is, because I didn't go to Harvard.
I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the war.
Of course, I may go into a strange bedroom every now and then that I don't want you to write about, but otherwise you can write everything.
There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. Most of them come down to this: Deny your responsibility.
It is the excitement of becoming - always becoming, trying, probing, falling, resting, and trying again- but always trying and always gaining
Conservation is ethically sound. It is rooted in our love of the land, our respect for the rights of others, our devotion to the rule of law.
If you're I politics and you can't tell when you walk into a room who's for you and who's against you, then you're in the wrong line of work.
When the family collapses, it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale, the community itself is crippled.
Did you ever think that making a speech on economy is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.
We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. It is time now to write the next chapter - and to write it in the books of law.
I won't have you electioneering on my doorstep. Every time you get in trouble in Parliament you run over here with your shirttail hanging out.
I want every family in America to have a carpet on the floor and a picture on the wall. After bread, you've got to have a picture on the wall.
We don't propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere.
You have your own difficulties. We watch, with friendly confidence in your capacity to merge differences in the grand dream of Canadian design.
'If you let a bully come in and chase you out of your front yard, he'll be on your porch and the next day he'll rape your wife in your own bed.
Whether we are New Dealer, Old Dealer, Liberty Leaguer or Red, whether we agree or not, we still have the right to think and speak how we feel.