Morata trains to the maximum.

I love the teams of Lebron James.

For sure I want to stay at Real Madrid.

I try not to let praise or criticism affect me.

My dream has always been to play for Real Madrid.

I always work hard to play well for Madrid and help the team.

Isco doesn't hide who he is, his football is from the street.

There are few players who play on their natural foot as a winger.

The dream is to retire at Madrid but in football, you don't know.

My dream since 2007 has been to wear the shirt of the first team.

I am very proud to be a part of Real Madrid, the greatest team in the world.

It's no use being afraid of anything, and even less so in the world of football.

I like the Bayern Munich's and Juventus' stadiums. I'd love to play in Old Trafford.

If I have done well, it is because the coach trusts me and gives me many opportunities.

I came from playing in a team with my mates to having the chance to play for Real Madrid.

The fact that I can play for Real Madrid means that I am always ready, knowing that we need to win.

I am very happy at Real Madrid, it is the team that formed me as a player and I hope I can stay for many years.

Football is made up of several factors, such as the physical side, which is very important, and the mental side.

Pepe has had an impeccable career at Real Madrid and in football and whatever he does will be looked on well by us.

You have to know what you did wrong, sure, but ask yourself: why? Improve it, move on. You have to live with pressure.

The best players have to come to Madrid and Hazard is one of them. I think that Pogba would be an interesting signing.

To win the Champions League and possibly the Euros in the same season would be incredible, a feat achieved by very few.

I'd advise Jese to go to Espanyol. My experience there was a great one, not just professionally but personally as well.

People sometimes complain and it can feel like they think we want to lose. We're not machines where one plus one is always two.

Yes, the national team is all one team. We are not Real Madrid players, Barcelona players, Celta Vigo players... all of us are a group.

At 15 the change from a town of 2,000 to a city of four million was huge. There were good moments and, I'm not going to lie, bad moments.

Being a Real player is amazing, and just training next to the best players of the world have to make you motivate, and train as hard as you can.

I see other athletes as inspiration, like Rafa Nadal, Pau Gasol, Fernando Alonso. I think they are great inspiration for youngsters and for everybody.

Big nerves are for when you are 15-year-old and you go for a make-or-break trial at Real Madrid. That's when you have the biggest life change possible at stake.

Everyone wants to be a starter, that is clear, but the one who makes those decisions is the coach. It is up to us to work hard and be at our best when we are needed.

In Real Madrid C I had a coach, Manolo Diaz, he trusted me from the start. He taught me that if I did good I could play wherever I wanted. And I am very thankful to him.

When Zidane talks to you, you know you are being spoken to by one of the greatest players in the history of the game. He has been there and done it. You never stop learning from him.

When I was little, I always watched the Premier League with my brother. It was, it is, very attractive: a nice football to play, one that could fit my characteristics and personality well.

Real Madrid have that special connection with Europe and Champions League matches. The fans transmit the importance to us and when you play a Champions League game, you get goosebumps, there is no better feeling in the world than that.

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