I love Johnny Depp.

I really like Jim Carrey.

I'm definitely not as crazy as Fred!

I love The Onion videos, those are amazing.

I've gotten to meet so many talented people!

I'm gay. It feels so weird saying it on camera!

I was always really creative and making up stuff.

I like all types of music: pop, rock and country.

My favorite kind of fast food is definitely Mexican.

I liked writing before I figured out I liked acting.

My house is surrounded on three sides by cornfields.

I really like the movie 'The Jerk' with Steve Martin.

Obviously I had a different sense of humor when I was 13.

One day I hope to meet Ellen Paige - she's an awesome actress.

I've been on 'iCarly' and 'Hannah Montana.' And a few other things.

My strategy isn't just to get the biggest audience; it's to get a loyal audience.

No, I've never met someone who was mean to me. Like, a fan or a hater or something.

I'm an actor so I've been pursuing movies and I have some TV series ideas to pitch too.

I've just always been making videos. And then I just put them online and, luckily, they all took off.

I honestly love [my fans] so much. [Their] support is everything and I'm glad [they] liked [my confession].

When you are a really iconic character, everyone thinks that's all you can do. It's nice to show people that I'm not a one-trick pony.

When I started on YouTube, no one talked about getting famous on the Internet or getting discovered on YouTube. I didn't even know it was a possibility.

I love working with crews. Filming the 'Fred' movie, for example, was a blast. You get to be around so many creative, talented people all day, so it's a blast.

I would describe Fred Figglehorn to someone who hasn't heard of him as a really hyperactive, temper-throwing teenager who's stuck in the mentality of a 6-year-old.

I think a lot of people have this idea that if you put something on YouTube you'll get famous overnight. It would be really great if that was possible, but that's not really how it works.

My worst habit is probably awkward laughing. I always awkward laugh, like when you're talking to someone and no one is saying anything, so I'll do an awkward laugh. I wish I didn't do that.

I think with the 'Fred' videos online, I prefer doing it by myself. I mean it's YouTube. You want to have all the creative control because that's the only place in the world where you get that.

I think my dream career would be to own my own production company and be able to write movies and star in them every once in awhile. Kind of like a Judd Apatow type of guy. That would be really fun.

I would trade places with Michael Bay when he was directing 'Transformers' because I'd get to meet Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, and also see what it's like to direct a huge action movie. That'd be awesome.

I just made random videos with my mom's camera, before YouTube even started. It was just my family and friends in a few spoofs of scary movies and mock talk shows. And then I found out about YouTube so I posted a ton of those videos on there.

If you're into writing and making people laugh, or just want to video blog something, you should get a simple digital video camera. And all computers now come with an easy video editing software program. Just mess around with that for a little bit, try to figure it out, then just put stuff online and have fun. Never give up!

I think online, like on YouTube and stuff, people could pretty much say whatever they want. They have no filter in their brain, because no one knows who they are. They're totally anonymous, so they could say whatever they want. But when they're in person with me, they wouldn't say those things, because I can actually see who they are.

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