I love a gray-on-gray outfit.

I always have a ring light with me.

I wasn't a big Air Force 1 person until I started buying custom ones.

Sublime is one of my favorite bands; I've been listening to them my whole life.

I take inspiration from my own experiences and from other people's experiences.

I'm not a big celebration person, I don't need a big party. I just want to hang.

I wasn't aware of social media fame, it was more just making videos with my friends.

School was kind of rough for me. People weren't always the nicest with what I was doing.

I've decided that I'm not going to filter as much of what I post, because what's the point?

I'm super blonde naturally, so, like, I don't have any eyebrows! I don't have any eyelashes!

A lot of people think that my last name is Gray. My middle name is Gray, and my last name is Beech.

I want my fans to be able to approach me in public and not think that I'm some robot who only exists online.

I write a lot of my own music. I usually go in with a producer, and every now and then there will be another writer in the room.

I realized early on that my fans are pretty young. 'My Story' is quite a young song and I think it's a good introduction because I have something to grow from.

I definitely look up to Troye Sivan and Shawn Mendes as people that have successfully made the jump into the music world. I think it's incredible that they have been able to do that because it's not easy.

I always pull from something I know really well. Because I would never want to write about something that I hadn't experienced or that I hadn't witnessed happen to somebody else because it wouldn't be genuine.

Last year I was 16, it was my first round of releasing music. Since then I've been working more on having an identity as an artist and really figuring out what it is that I want to talk about and how I want to sound.

That's the mindset I'm in, is do what I can do, do what I can control, and stay productive. I feel like it can get depressing really fast, being home and not having anything to do. I think being productive is important.

I just kind of talk about what's happening in my life and it's kind of like a therapy session. Usually something good comes out of that. Or sometimes other writers will come to me with ideas and then I'll put my own spin on it. It's usually really collaborative and open and it's very therapeutic for me as well.

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