I believe I'm better looking as a dude than a girl.

Melissa McCarthy - she's so funny, and she keeps bringing it.

I grew up watching 'TRL.' I had older sisters who got me into it!

The worst advice I've ever received was 'Don't post on YouTube. It's dying.'

It is fun to say hi to people. It is always good to meet them and give high-fives and stuff.

I can't wait to bring #LizaOnDemand to my YouTube audience and hopefully a new audience, too.

Make an account, start uploading videos, and then be yourself; it's very cliche, but no one else can do it.

It is so much fun to make content for kids and people of all ages. Families can sit down and watch my stuff.

I am a gardener, I have a big green thumb, and I can take care of these plants really easily because they are all fake.

I am so excited to sign with AwesomenessTV. I can't wait to explore all the fun opportunities with them and feel even more awesome.

You can't play a high school student forever, so at some point, I'm going to have to tear down that wall and tear off that wig and be me.

This is a dream that I have been dreaming to live! From watching 'Double Dare' to hosting it! I am ready for a summer of slime and nose-picking.

President Barack Obama was amazing. You know how you imagine it would be to meet a celebrity, and that person may actually have a halo around them or something? Well, he did! He was tall, and he had a halo!

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