There's no way to become great overnight, but in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey.

As a leader, your job is to share your vision with your followers and either warn them of danger or highlight opportunities coming in the future.

What's your routine after attending a networking event or meal? If your answer is, 'I go home,' you're probably going to miss out on opportunities.

Video can seem like just another challenge to overcome, but I see a major increase in my business and brand awareness, all from the power of video.

Speaking can be a lot like exercise: The more time you spend getting ready, the more you mentally build the task into something larger than it actually is.

Every successful sports season I had included detailed daily itineraries. We received one in the morning and one before practice, and they set us up to win.

Yes, it's important to make things great, and you can certainly do this by upgrading over time, but good and profitable is better than perfect and never done.

If you don't want to live a life where you go to a job every day just so you can enjoy your weekends and get two weeks of vacation every year, then don't do it.

Leaders are focused on using their vision and courage to do great things. This means challenging the way things are done and then sharing the journey with others.

When beginning your entrepreneurial journey, acknowledge that you become a product of the five people you spend the most time with. So choose your company wisely.

One of my favorite things about being the host of 'The School of Greatness' is that I get to learn from the best minds in the world about stuff I am fascinated by.

Instead of telling a story about how great your brand is, try telling a story that shows you completely understand and empathize with your customer and their life.

The people and opportunities your business needs are out there, but the only way to uncover them is to take an active role in bringing your social network to life.

One of the most powerful networking practices is to provide immediate value to a new connection. This means the moment you identify a way to help someone, take action.

I'm a big fan of intention. That's because I have learned first-hand the power of setting my intention on my goal and making all decisions based off of that intention.

Every great leader knows that his or her role comes with responsibility for those who follow him or her, and in ensuring they provide value in return for their loyalty.

As a business owner who is looking to market his or her company, you should be on the lookout for opportunities to get face time with movers and shakers in your network.

While it may be difficult to get on the front cover of a major magazine, you can create marketing strategies and opportunities by being featured in a popular niche blog.

Giving customers and prospects a glimpse into the entrepreneur's life and mindset can allow them to cultivate a deeper relationship with customers separately from the brand.

Entrepreneurs typically have an instinct for smelling opportunity, but that same killer instinct can quickly turn to weakness when it becomes a distraction from primary goals.

The ability to network successfully can be one of the greatest assets in business. It allows some people to find incredible opportunities, while others just watch from the sidelines.

New things get noticed. This means you can't be afraid to present something new to your market, even if it's just a variation or an addition to an already-existing product or service.

Having a story is what people connect with, but the story alone doesn't allow you to achieve greatness and results. It's the day-to-day consistency of providing value to your audience.

Using social media can often be the fastest and easiest way to connect with online influencers because they are already established platforms for connecting with like-minded individuals.

Being a lifestyle entrepreneur is about building a business around your lifestyle rather than a lifestyle around your business. You need to figure out what your ideal lifestyle is first.

Coming from losing my dream of playing professional football, not having a college degree at the time and looking to jump into the business world at a young age was pretty daunting for me.

It can be easy to become 'friends' or 'connected' with someone in a digital world, but it requires thought and strategy to convert social media connections into rewarding business relationships.

Not only is a LinkedIn group free to create, it can enable you to offer your professional network a vibrant, useful information resource, all while driving traffic to your site and increasing sales.

Among the social networks, LinkedIn can be one of the most useful when it comes to cultivating critical, lucrative business opportunities, since it has a high concentration of business decision makers.

For me, managing my energy means slowing myself down before the big event. I slow down the racing thoughts in my mind. I concentrate on and slow down my breathing. I listen to and steady my heart rate.

Many business owners dream of having their product or service endorsed by a global celebrity. But instead of trying to get a superstar to support your business, try seeking out a local celebrity instead.

I was a pain most of my childhood, always mad at the things I didn't have. Things shifted drastically in my 20s when I started putting an emphasis on gratitude. Focus on the good you do have, not the things you lack.

Delivering a successful presentation could mean landing a major new contract, better prices for your services, or getting the funding you need. Failure can mean lost customers and a business that never gets off the ground.

As a business owner, leadership is more than just telling others what to do. Leadership is about the investment we make into others and the responsibilities we accept for being the voice and direction that others count on.

Apart from creating a vibrant branded Twitter account for your startup, business owners should consider creating their own personal account on Twitter. Fans and followers often want to connect with the person behind the brand.

Online leadership is about leveraging digital platforms such as blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other networks to build a loyal following of people who want to learn more about and benefit from your experiences and expertise.

The key in telling stories that people relate to is, not surprisingly, vulnerability and authenticity. That means that letting people know the struggle behind your brand - the failures and mistakes - and how you got through them is really important.

I was in my 20s when I started writing my goals down, assigning each a date that I would achieve them by. I was amazed when I started reaching these goals by the date I had listed on them. It was a daily visualization exercise, and it almost always works.

Entrepreneurs spend an inordinate amount of time inside of our own heads - thinking, analyzing, agonizing and obsessing over every little detail of our business. Sometimes, we need a break from ourselves. Meditation is a chance to let the thinking mind rest.

I often speak publicly, and when I do, I also get to listen to other presenters. The most memorable are the ones that hit an emotional chord with a tight story and a punch line. No fluff. Keep it creative and concise. Greatness exists in quality, not quantity.

There have been many times when I was working out intensely and in the best shape of my life, and then, for whatever reason, I got off track. Before I knew it, 3 or 4 months would go by, and all of a sudden, I'd find myself exhausted halfway up a flight of stairs!

You may confuse a lot of people when going against the grain of conventional thinking, and that's perfectly okay. As an entrepreneur, standing up for your vision to your family and friends might possibly be the best practice you will get for the life that awaits you.

The key to forming good habits is to make them part of your 'rituals.' I have a morning ritual, afternoon ritual, and Sunday ritual. It's one way to bundle good habits into regular times that you set aside to prepare yourself for the life you want. Rituals help you form habits.

People can see themselves in a story much easier than they can see themselves in a hypothetical situation that a brand might present to them. So telling stories to build a relationship with your audience is usually far more effective than other methods of marketing or publicity.

Each day you're presented with a choice. You can either keep your greatness hidden under a pile of fears, regrets, and excuses, or you can let it out. So the best way to begin unlocking inner greatness is to make a conscious choice to live out the rest of today, with the best you.

Poor leaders motivate those following them with false promises of promotions, success, and a great tomorrow but rarely deliver on those promises. Leaders who do this can be manipulative and often hold the goals and aspirations of their followers hostage in order to get them to comply.

Besides having an audience, the most important currency for any leader is his or her reputation. And having a reputation for over-delivering on what's expected of you should give your visitors, subscribers and customers more reason to spend their money with you and refer their friends.

It doesn't take a lot of research to realize that the human eye is drawn to attractive things. So the better looking your LinkedIn profile is - meaning professional and complete - the more qualified you'll appear to your audience and the more interested people will be to check out your site.

When it comes to building your business and developing a powerful network, you'll want to develop a reputation as someone who highlights others. Not only does this give credit where credit is due, it also communicates that you're secure with your success and have the ability to promote others in your industry.

Meditating is easier than most people think. Start by focusing and following your breath. The goal is not to eliminate thoughts entirely but to continually return to your breath. Taking this time to relax your mind can help sharpen your focus in other aspects of your work and allow you to work for longer periods of time.

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