At the end of the day, I want to win.

I want to be one of the leaders that's going to keep the light shining bright.

I'm not a jerk, but when it comes to football and winning, I'm all-in for that.

That is one of my biggest problems; I do get upset when we lose and it takes me a while to get over it.

I would like to thank the Jaguars organization for giving me the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream of playing in the NFL.

That's how I was brought up. That's the first thing to kick in, you know? Your brother gets into it with somebody. You go help.

A lot of people don't see the vision, the dream you have. They're shortcutting you. I had to get them out of the picture. Totally.

Because I hate to lose. I've always had that instilled in me since I was a child. Racing. A game. You want to be in first place every time.

Me coming to Tampa made perfect sense. I felt like they had all the keys I needed and vice versa. I can help the team out and also they can help me.

My job is to come out here and compete the best I can, get in the playbook, understand what they want from me, and the rest will take care of itself.

I come from being poor to a millionaire and I've seen the way cops treated people in my neighborhood. If you have a name, or you have a face, the treatment is different.

You're from Louisiana - you're playing for Louisiana, man. You get so much love from everybody, especially from New Orleans, my city. Everywhere I go, they're rooting for me.

Your mom's working 9 to 5 every day and might get a second job. So you're really raising yourself, and you've got nobody else, so you go outside, and the streets raised most of us.

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