The mark of the procedure. A real one. Lu is cured.

I think of Grace and feel a sharp pain in my chest.

You have to learn that people are always listening.

You can't be happy unless you're unhappy sometimes".

I guess there are some things you never get used to.

I wonder whether she was sorry for leaving us behind.

What I meant was, you looked happier in the pictures.

So many things become beautiful when you really look.

If you’re smart, you care. And if you care, you love.

I love to sleep. I'm an excellent, excellent sleeper.

They didn’t get me, I should have said. They saved me.

I think 'Voldemort' is definitely the scariest villain.

Unhappiness is bondage; therefore, happiness is freedom.

only when it rains. and sometimes, too, when i remember.

...into hate, into refusal, against hope and without fear

Amor deliria nervosa. The deadliest of all deadly things.

I love you. Remember. And someday, I will find you again.

The memories seem like snapshots from someone else’s life.

I’m not the Hana everyone told me I would be after my cure.

There is no before. There is only now, and what comes next.

people do terrible things, sometimes, for the best reasons.

For a split second, he had looked almost like my Alex again.

anything, anything is possible, if you can just see the sky.

Mistake, mistake, mistake. A strange word: stinging, somehow.

In one of the tents, Julian is sleeping. And in another: Alex

But if you do believe, then you already know all about magic.

But it's not about knowing. It is simply about going forward.

And you can't love, not fully, unless you are loved in return.

She liked that word: we. It sounded warm and open, like a hug.

There are no happy endings, only breaks in the regular action.

Quiet through the grave go I; or else beneath the graves I lie

Time jumps. It leaps. It pours away like water through fingers.

I'm starved for different light, a different sun,different sky.

It is a beautiful world for the people who get to play the fist.

Hate isn’t the most dangerous thing, he’d said. Indifference is.

Hearts are fragile things. That's why you have to be so careful.

If you cross a line and nothing happens, the line loses meaning.

Lindsay calls them the Pugs: pretty from far away, ugly up close.

Perfection is a promise, and a reassurance that we are not wrong.

You came form different starts and you'll come to different ends.

Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom.

I think dystopian futures are also a reflection of current fears.

He who leaps for the sky may fall, it's true. But he may also fly.

That's when you really lose people, you know.When the pain passes.

This is what happens when you try to help people. You get screwed.

The question was: Will you meet me tomorrow? And the word was: Yes.

The salt blowing off the sea makes the air feel textured and heavy.

Are you sure you can't dematerialize? Not even a little?" "I'm sure.

I need to live my life in the light of their deaths. I need to live.

Fear. Blame. Don't forget. Mom. I love you. -Lauren Oliver, Delerium

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