I'm not going to be remotely funny.

I think it's important to do great work.

I think that certainly my choices empower me.

Shame is such an intense emotion. It just can drive you.

I can't get hired in a studio movie. Everything is so uphill.

I feel my job as an actor is to explore all sides of humanity.

I've always been able to let stuff go when I'm done with work.

You know, I grew up with brothers so I'm used to being the only girl.

Hollywood is sexist and age-ist, and that covers all the bases, I guess.

Some of the best roles are for women in these independent, smaller movies.

I'm going to embarrass my kids - sex is important. Sex is really important.

Whether it be in a small movie or a big movie, I would always be attracted to this role.

It's not that I don't see myself as hot and sexy. Don't get me wrong. No, it's not that.

But when you're in something together, it's very hard to be objective and you're very subjective.

I do know that I have to work hard for every single thing that I get, really hard, and that's okay.

I think it's important to do smaller films because I think that's where a lot of new things are happening.

After 14 years, it better be a real marriage, you know? We do have a great time together. We are really lucky.

I was always fraught with guilt, and it's such a waste of an emotion. It keeps you out of the moment of being where you are.

We do spend time talking about it and we puzzle through it together. We ride the roller coasters together - the high highs and the low lows.

One of the things that's hardest as an actor is you are being critiqued constantly, and having your mother critiquing you can be challenging.

Compassion is very important, especially right now in America. We all need to strive as human beings to understand each other and ourselves better.

I do it because I want to exercise people's compassion and I do it because I really believe that for some reason what I do is important and meaningful.

It's not always thankless. Let's face it - it's not always thankless. I've gotten a lot of really great recognition and I've worked with amazing people.

It's easier in some ways being on the life raft and the other guy's in the boat and you can row alongside and be supportive. In some ways, that's an easier role.

It's that I'm 39. I feel hot and sexy, actually... I feel it inside myself. I don't feel dried up and tired and no longer interested in sex is what I'm trying to say.

Hollywood movies are run on fear and they don't want to make bold choices. They, generally, speaking want to keep things status quo. That's not really interesting for me.

I think in this movie, every time I see his work, I'm blown away by it because he, to me, he really embodied the character so powerfully and so real, so truthfully to me.

I was very young when we got married and I don't know why it worked out like it did or how I was smart enough to know that this was the right guy, but somehow I got lucky.

I feel that our planet is in peril and that creating a sustainable planet for my children and my children's children is the most important thing I can do in this lifetime.

He put a ring in the toe of a stocking. On Christmas Eve, we opened our stockings and it was there at the bottom of the toe. Then he got down on his knees and he was shaking.

Global climate change is real. The legislative branch of our government is our last line of defense against pollution which is why I am so grateful to have the NRDC making our voice heard.

All humans need love, attention, and appreciation, and those can be very female traits. I feel like they should be male and female traits, but I think that they are more easily attributed to women.

I don't know if you're married, but sometimes there are times where one is really together with their partner. And then there are times when you're both just in your own thing, but you're there together.

Ultimately, you know, I'm a grown-up, I've been in this business a long time. I've got kids. I've got to do my stuff. But I also need to keep it there so I can bring it up again the next day at work or whatever.

Also everyone's hearts are in the right place when you do a small movie. You're not doing it for the money; you're not doing it for the possibility of an Oscar nomination. You are doing it because you love the material.

While it is challenging working with a kid, because they're so of the moment all the time. My acting style is to try to take something from my life that the character can relate to and that I can relate the character to.

Ever since I had my first child I have been passionate in my commitment to preserve our precious resources for my children and their children's children. This is the obligation of all of us visiting this planet for a limited time.

Sometimes when you do a part, the wall between you and the characters can be very porous. You can sort of move in and out of your character's persona and being. And that just couldn't happen on this one because of working with him.

I have too much respect for the characters I play to make them anything but as real as they can possibly be. I have a great deal of respect for all of them, otherwise I wouldn't do them. And I don't want to screw them by not portraying them honestly.

When I connect to my soul, project it into another #‎ character , and then bring it to the stage or to a film--that has always been for me the great joy of #‎ acting . It's been as if my soul kind of leaps out of my body and is able to be free and dance around.

Global climate change is real and we have a limited time to change our behavior or live with the consequences. We can all help by making small changes in our lives to letting our voice be heard by our governing bodies. As has always been the case in this country, if the people demand change, it will come.

Our family adopted Paulie from a shelter as an 8-week-old puppy. We've had him for 11 years, and I think it was valuable for the kids to learn to be responsible for a pet. It's a wonderful thing for families - the unconditional love you get from a pet is something you carry with you for the rest of your life.

I think that women as a group are so powerful. I still don't think we are able to embrace our power well enough yet. We think we live in a man's world and we have to follow their rules, and yet, we're so different, and our rules are so different. I wish that we could come together more as a political force. If women ran the world, I don't believe that there would be war. I really don't.... We understand the bigger picture. We understand our impact on the environment, on the world. We understand the generations that will go after us because we gave birth to them.

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