Costco is a passion. Costco is like a massage.

If someone says no, you're talking to the wrong person.

When you feel like something is really wrong, it's usually wrong

I've actually trademarked the term 'Momager,' which is what I am.

I worry about my grandchildren because the Internet can be brutal.

I love the creative process and being able to build something out of nothing.

A girl never knows when she might need a couple of diamonds at 10 o'clock in the morning.

I learned a lot in my life by paying attention and listening to how people around me worked.

The girls grew up playing in my closet - trying on my shoes, etc. Now the tables have turned.

Every day is different; you never know what to expect, and you have to be ready to pivot on a dime.

I'm supposed to be this musical genius and everything, but I can't really work the car seat that well.

When I was young, I loved shopping at a store on Rodeo Drive called Lina Lee. Shopping there made me feel so special.

I made and created a show that my family was all on board with, and we were so excited because we got to work together.

I guess if I get a little weird about something that isn't the way I want it, and I complain, then it's called controlling.

I'm there to support my kids no matter what happens. I just do the best I can, just like anybody else would for their family.

Kim was the one who taught us how to use Twitter and how to engage and really capture the attention of followers and the fans.

Oh, my goodness, I am obsessed with Costco! We do runs at least twice a week. I love the salmon and rotisserie chicken, the dog beds.

Some people don't know how to take some of the everyday, regular things that they have going for them and turn it into something else.

I'm strong enough and have a pretty thick skin, but when people go after my kids, I just hit block-delete, block-delete. It's my mantra.

My motivation is to be creative and have fun. You want to do something that keeps you on your toes the rest of your life and keeps you busy.

My kids are really good with social media; that's really an important dynamic in our relationship with our audience, and it's a great way to connect.

I like everything a certain way. I'm not somebody who can just lay back and let it happen... And I think that's what's gotten me to where I am in life.

I keep track of my kids sometimes with social media. I have to check TMZ every morning to see what's going on, and then at night, I go to bed with Snapchat.

The goal for my girls and me has always been about beauty and fashion. Before we ever had the shows, my mom had a store for 40 years in La Jolla, and I grew up working there.

It's just one day at a time. I love multi-tasking and I'm really organized and when you have a certain work ethic, which all the girls have, we all have that same thing going on.

There's a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you're willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it's never going to happen.

Anything I ever wanted, I had to work really hard for. I learned the value of saving my money, trying to make something happen, and being entrepreneurial, even as a really young girl.

For years, people had been saying, 'You guys should have a reality show - it would be crazy,' and I didn't pay much attention to that talk, but the idea did stay in the back of my mind.

I am living my dream because I get to work with my kids and watch them find their happiness. It's so rewarding - we brainstorm around a conference table and have a really great time doing it.

You can't write your life story and leave out one of the most important things that happened to you in your life. I think that that would be dishonest, and it would be something people would be very angry about.

I raised my kids kind of old-fashioned - if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all. I teach love, acceptance, and tolerance... I sometimes think that this generation is lacking in decency.

When the opportunity came along to do the reality show, it was just a very exciting time. We really never thought about how it would pan out for the entire family but just knew that it was going to be a great journey.

Kendall is really satisfied on her role in 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians.' With her modeling career, she's so busy. If she's not walking a runway, she's shooting a campaign or traveling around the world with her fashion obligations. She's a pretty busy little girl.

And I think that, given the opportunity, somebody could really learn a lot just being around me and the girls because it's really nonstop, 24/7 brainstorming and creativity and just trying to get organized and really pack a lot into a day - being there nonstop with all engines blazing.

We have literally millions and millions of fans. I mean, even Kendall and Kylie have 50 million followers on Instagram - apiece. That's a hundred million people you have somehow touched emotionally, enough to follow you on a social-media platform. And I think with that also comes, you know, haters.

I say this all the time, but when I go to bed at the end of the day, and I put my head down on the pillow, I really feel such a sense of satisfaction, and I'm so proud of my kids that they have this amazing work ethic, and we get to work with each other every day, so it doesn't get any better than that.

One of the first things I said to my kids and we all agreed upon when we first started shooting the show was if we're going to do this, we're all in. We're not going to worry about editing ourselves. So that's what you see. It's raw, and it's real, and it's footage that hopefully people learn from some of our experiences.

There are a lot of big personalities in our family, and because of the way that we interact with each other - and the fact that the girls are beautiful, the little ones are adorable, and my husband is an Olympic champion - there was this perfect storm, where I think you kind of wanted to watch and go, 'Wow, what's happening with this family?'

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