You just click your heels and think there's no place like being pwned.

Maybe I could be friends with a ghost. I wouldn’t be able to kill him.

The mistakes don't matter. It's what you do when you mess up that does.

The undead did not love, but they remembered love with a savage loyalty.

Dead Witch Walking is basically a modern-day witch living in Cincinnati.

Listen before you draw your battle lines, lest you alienate your allies.

You cannot thrash the person who makes you coffee. It's a rule somewhere.

'Dead Witch Walking' is basically a modern-day witch living in Cincinnati.

Don’t stereotype, Jenks. HAPA is an equal-opportunity hate group,” I said.

I'd say she's get us both fired, but the I.S. doesn't let anyone go. Alive.

Endings are not always bad. Most times they're just beginnings in disguise.

Be reasonable. I know you can be. If you try very, very hard.” - Al to Rachel

You can trust me to keep my word. I always keep my word, promises or threats.

Life was going on, and no one but a handful of people cared if I lived or died.

Minias smiled. Great. Another charming demon. I sort of prefer the insane ones.

I want one thing I can point to and say, 'that is good, and it's a part of me.'

God, if you ever loved me, open my eyes for me when I'm being this stupid! (Ron)

Being poor is not an indication of potential or worth. It’s a lack of resources.

I’m not going anywhere with you, you little shoemaker,” I said (Rachel to Trent)

I do so like all-encompassing words. Verb, adjective, noun. Yes, you are shitted.

that was humanity's problem right there. they are brain damaged from the early sun

You think Ivy's a planner? She has nothing on a motivated elf with too much money.

It is not always what we do, Sa'han, but who we love that makes us who we are. Quen

You are the devil to talk to, Rachel," he said curtly. "Will you shut up and listen?

I sighed. "And what am I to you, Al?" "My maid," he said brightly. "Shall we do this?

Lately I’d begun carrying pain amulets in my bag, like some people have breath mints.

Breaking rules isn't bad when what you're doing is more important than the rule itself

I wish I could say I write 9-5. It's usually more like 8-6, every day but the weekends.

Your hair is a tangled mess,"he said, thinking he liked it that way, like a lion's mane.

He grinned. “That’s because pixies are ever-after. We’re magic, baby. Just ask Matalina.

Tears could not be equal, if I wept diamonds from the skies. Jenks (Black Magic Sanction)

Adjustment? She called that an adjustment? How about I adjust her right out of existence?

I was cold, hungry, and in a hole in the ground. But at least I had my elven porn, damnit!

He didn't want Lucy to grow up feeling alone, surrounded by everything and having nothing.

There is black. There is white. Gray is a cowardly excuse to mix our wants with our needs.

Do you have a sleeping bag?” I stared at him. “No. I lost it in the great salt-dip of ’06.

I can think of a lot of things to do," he said, "and none of them involve standing up. - Al

I meant I’m not afraid of love being difficult. If it was easy, then everyone would find it.

Knowledge is Power. Ignorance is Bliss. But curiosity—even if it had killed the cat—is king.

They weren’t idiots, but I attracted trouble that just begged me to beat it into submission.

Apparently their numerous tattoos gave them protection against the cold as they had no coats.

Find Eloy. Smack his head into a wall, dance on his guts... I'd get creative. Spontaneous like.

Was using “dead-man’s-toe” morally okay if the man’s relatives had knowingly sold him for parts?

Sure, it was nice now, but eventually there would be running and screaming and blood on the floor.

Just because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve - " "You don't even wear your heart in your chest.

Nick as in my former boyfriend Nick. Ex-rat, ex-boyfriend, ex-alive if I ever got hold of him Nick.

See, this was why I liked coffee. You couldn’t screw up making coffee. Even the bad stuff was good.

I have to save the world tomorrow, and I don't even know what I'm going to wear yet.--Rachel Morgan

Okay, you drive," she said. "I'll sit with m head hanging out of the window like a golden retriever.

Teens like a lot of the same things adults do: smart people doing amazing things against awful odds.

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