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Very often, organizations are inflexible because there is too little communication between functions; they are too segregated.
Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.
You can be creative in anything - in math, science, engineering, philosophy - as much as you can in music or in painting or in dance.
Up to a point you welcome being interrupted because it is only by interacting with other people that you get anything interesting done.
All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think.
You can't be a creative thinker if you're not stimulating your mind, just as you can't be an Olympic athlete if you don't train regularly.
Human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different résumés. … It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic.
The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it's to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they're valued.
You cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do is like a farmer create the conditions under which it will begin to flourish.
Finding the medium that excites your imagination, that you love to play with and work in, is an important step to freeing your creative energies.
The Element is about discovering your self, and you can't do this if you're trapped in a compulsion to conform. You can't be yourself in a swarm.
Everyone has huge creative capacities. The challenge is to develop them. A culture of creativity has to involve everybody, not just a select few.
The arts, sciences, humanities, physical education, languages and maths all have equal and central contributions to make to a student's education.
Transforming education is not easy but the price of failure is more than we can afford, while the benefits of success are more than we can imagine.
There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools.
Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface.
Teaching for creativity involves teaching creatively. There are three related tasks in teaching for creativity: encouraging, identifying and fostering.
Life is not linear, it is organic. We create our lives symbiotically as we explore our talents in relation to the circumstances they help create for us
These powers of imagination and creativity are among the few things that set us apart from the rest of life on Earth. But they make all the difference.
The first task in teaching for creativity in any field is to encourage people to believe in their creative potential and to nurture the confidence to try.
Typically [professors] live in their heads. … They look upon their body as a form of transport for their heads. It’s a way of getting their head to meetings.
Many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they’re not — because the thing they were good at at school wasn’t valued, or was actually stigmatized.
Many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they're not - because the thing they were good at at school wasn't valued, or was actually stigmatized.
You can't just give someone a creativity injection. You have to create an environment for curiosity and a way to encourage people and get the best out of them.
In a world where lifelong employment in the same job is a thing of the past, creativity is not a luxury. It is essential for personal security and fulfillment.
Every education system on Earth has the same hierarchy of subjects: at the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts.
Creativity is as important as literacy and numeracy, and I actually think people understand that creativity is important - they just don't understand what it is.
The answer is not to standardize education, but to personalize and customize it to the needs of each child and community. There is no alternative. There never was.
The combination of creative energies and the need to perform at the highest level to keep up with peers leads to an otherwise unattainable commitment to excellence.
We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.
Being in your element is not only about aptitude, it's about passion: it is about loving what you do...tapping into your natural energy and your most authentic self.
There's a wealth of talent that lies in all of us. All of us, including those who work in schools, must nurture creativity systematically and not kill it unwittingly.
If you're doing something you love, an hour feels like five minutes. If you're doing something that doesn't resonate with your spirit, five minutes feels like an hour.
Teaching is a creative profession, not a delivery system. Great teachers do [pass on information], but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage.
I like university professors, but you know, we shouldn't hold them up as the high-water mark of all human achievement. They're just a form of life, another form of life.
I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our concept of the richness in human capacity.
Most people didn't pursue their passions simply because of the promise of a paycheck. They pursued them because they couldn't imagine doing anything else with their lives.
Creativity, as I see it, is the process of putting your imagination to work. It's been defined rather simply as applied imagination. That's not a bad way to think about it.
The real role of leadership in education ... is not and should not be command and control. The real role of leadership is climate control, creating a climate of possibility.
Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value - more often than not, comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things
I mean, really, whatever you woke up worrying about this morning, get over it. How important in the greater scheme of things can it possibly be? Make your peace and move on.
Innovation is applied creativity. By definition, innovation is always about introducing something new, or improved, or both and it is usually assumed to be a positive thing.
Our task is to educate their (our students) whole being so they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it.
Finding your element is essential to your wellbeing and ultimate success and, by implication to the health of our organisations and the effectiveness of our educational systems
Through imagination, we can visit the past, contemplate the present, and anticipate the future. We can also do something else of profound and unique significance. We can create.
Human communities depend upon a diversity of talent not a singular conception of ability. and at the heart of the challenge is to reconstitute our sense of ability and intelligence
You don’t think of Shakespeare being a child, do you? Shakespeare being seven? He was seven at some point. He was in somebody’s English class, wasn’t he? How annoying would that be?
Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. And it's the one thing that I believe we are systematically jeopardizing in the way we educate our children and ourselves.
There are three (3) principles on which human life flourishes, and they are contradicted by the culture of education under which most teachers have to labor and most students have to endure.
The dropout crisis is just the tip of an iceberg. What it doesn't count are all the kids who are in school but being disengaged from it, who don't enjoy it, who don't get any real benefit from it.