America is a sovereign nation. And as President Trump has said all along, made a centerpiece of his campaign from day one, we have to stop the flow of people and drugs over our borders.

We were taught to be free-thinking, independent, to look at your goals. And that old saying, you could never go home was never true in my community. We always felt like we could go home.

Donald Trump has been nothing but gracious, and a gentleman and a wonderful mentor and boss to me, and to other women. So that's all, that would be my personal choice; not a demand on me.

I don't think CNN is 'fake news.' I think there are some reports everywhere, in print, on TV, on radio, in conversation, that are not well-researched and are sometimes based on falsehoods.

I don't expect anybody here to cheerlead for Donald Trump. I expect us to have platforms like this, where we can fairly and effectively and respectfully come in and state the case on his behalf.

Donald Trump is happiest when he's with his family and that's his - that - that really is a happy place for him to be with his family. And so he's very generous, very kind, funny, compassionate.

Most of the strength and the leadership skills and the decisiveness, the resoluteness that I think America was craving from Donald Trump, from a leader, is the same in public as it is in private.

The idea that Hillary Clinton's plan wants to increase Syrian refuges by 550 percent is very concerning to many Americans. They know what has happened. They know there's home-grown terrorism here.

Usually based on an economic agenda, white working-class voters don't buy into this whole biology-chemistry-abortion-gender agenda as much as they want more take-home pay. They want affordability.

Every great movement and which the conservative movement is, of course, every great movement ends up being a little bit sclerotic and dusty after a time and I think they need new fusion of energy.

In terms of going into the West Wing, I will do whatever the president-elect and the vice president-elect - I worked with Mike Pence for 10 years - they believe is my best and highest use for them.

I don't think that we need to see [Donald Trump] tax returns to verify his financial acumen. I walk into the Trump Tower every day and I'm like, this guy did pretty well for himself before I got here.

You have a lot of unfinished business, but obviously every president who leaves, particularly after two terms, can point to many different areas where there has been progress and there has been change.

Some of the best advice and insights I have ever received in my professional life have come from people, by listening to them, by getting out of the bubble, by getting out of our coastal media centers.

[Donald Trump] does have a thick skin, frankly, as someone who works very closely within, that was in that room today, directly beside him. I will say this though. That's not what the meeting was about.

Why is there no mandate? You [Democrats] have lost 60 congressional seats since President [Barack] Obama got there. You lost more than a dozen Senators, a dozen Governors. 1,000 state legislative seats.

You are going to hear many things from Mr. Trump today in his speech on immigration. One, no amnesty. He is absolutely going to build that wall. That`s been the center piece of his campaign from day one.

We welcome all republican endorsements, no question. We'd be happy to have that. We'd be happy to have more fair treatment in the media. But I'm not going to find unicorns on my doorstep tomorrow either.

We will hear more details on [Donald] Trump`s plans on addressing illegal immigration in the speech tonight, including what Trump plans to do about those 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S.

The question is are you loyal to the agenda that [Donald] Trump, that President-elect Trump has put forward in terms of his view of the world and the person to which the secretary of state would function.

Know who you are and possess that confidence and just tune out the naysayers and the critics in a way where you feel like you possess a certain patience and perspective that many of us in the bubble lack.

I think all the president-elect is saying is that we have to be able to be - to keep ourselves safe and secure, and when others stop building their nuclear weapons, then we'll feel more secure in that regard.

I would say, when Paul Ryan was running for vice president last time, they lost eight of the nine swing states, and people like - I certainly supported him. I know Donald Trump certainly supported the ticket.

Basically I'm the first woman [run a president campaign] - it doesn't get covered a lot because I'm in the wrong party to have done that, and worked for the wrong candidate to have been recognized to do that.

I'm deciding where I am best for this president-elect [Donald Trump] and this vice president-elect [Mike Pence] in due course. But there are many qualified men and women who can serve him at the highest levels.

We flipped over 200 counties that President [Barack] Obama won and Donald Trump just won, you [Jennifer Palmieri] think that's because of what you just said or because people aren't ready for a woman president?

I think it's saying really that Donald Trump was the one person in the room who got it right, who understood America and reflected back to them what their aspirations and their fears and their frustrations were.

What President Trump is doing is, he wants to get rid of that Obamacare penalty almost immediately, because that is something that is really strangling a lot of Americans to have to pay a penalty for not buying.

People believe that radical Islamic terrorism has not been defeated. They don't much like ObamaCare, they think it's been a bad deal for many Americans. They certainly think everyday affordability is elusive to them.

I'm saying that I believe Paula Jones, is what i'm saying. And I believe that that $14,000 a year Arkansas State employee being brought up to the governor's hotel room and him exposing herself as all the evidence said.

I find Donald Trump to be incredibly gracious, energetic, I mean the greatest compliment you can get from Donald Trump is not hey, that's brilliant or that was really smart or great job. It's you're really high energy.

I look at what the polls say about attributes. I noticed in 2004 that George W. Bush led John Kerry by double digits for eight straight months on the question of who is more likely to take a position and stick with it.

Donald Trump among wishy-washy people, who decide one day they want him, and they want his endorsement, they support him, and the next day they don't. It's much better for him to take the message directly to the people.

A majority of the country finds Hillary Clinton to be neither honest nor trustworthy. She does have that veracity problem with the people. That was very clear.I think it's one of the reasons she wasn't elected president.

The bigger issue is that we're communicating directly with voters [during the president campaign]. For those members of congress that endorse us, terrific, for those that don't, we're still winning voters in their state.

As someone who was like a chief spokeswoman for [Donald Trump] and his campaign manager, it wasn't always relevant to what Americans out there were telling us at rallies or telling pollsters behind the scenes concerning them.

Mitt Romney and John McCain and Donald Trump are very different candidates. This is the disruptive candidate who gets these huge crowds, is building momentum in last weeks of compaign. That was not true of the other two races.

Donald Trump has - he`s endorsed Kelly Ayotte. He endorsed Paul Ryan. He endorsed John McCain. He`s been incredibly gracious. I think he`s done his part to unify the party by becoming president for nominee fairly and squarely.

Donald Trump is going to go farther than other presidents have gone in terms of making us more dependent on ourselves energy-wise, and to create billions of dollars in revenue, millions of jobs, some people project, over time.

I do want to say, though, in terms of the people who are coming to see [Donald Trump], how thrilling it was to turn the corner and see people from entertainment, from the private sector, people of different races and ethnicities.

It is completely irresponsible, if not worse, for members of the media to be calling our press secretary a liar and worse. On Twitter and Facebook and elsewhere. And in articles. That is not the way to start relationships with the press.

Trump is going to secure the border. He's going to build the wall. He said Mexico will pay for it. And then he's going to take a look at who's here and decide - he's made this very clear - and decide, with his experts, what should happen.

To be confronted as you exit the polling place is really a matter of if you have the time, if you have the inclination to speak to a stranger, and if you want to divulge what is a very sacred, private matter - the way that you just voted.

African Americans are concerned about the scourge of abortion in their community, and respond to related facts and figures. Large majorities agree that every life should have a chance, regardless of race, socioeconomic status or circumstance.

My colleagues across the aisle in Brooklyn and team Clinton are very smart people. I respect them very much. But they misread America. They, they did not have her in red states. They, they were pretending that they were going to turn red blue.

Romney, like Sen. John McCain and Bob Dole before him, were meant to mollify moderates, attract Independents, and 'rebrand' the party in a way that mostly fits the ideal of media types who would never vote Republican anyhow. Each of them lost.

On Facebook, Twitter, texting, e-mails, remember, it's a mode of communication, it is not communication. It's not real life. So step aside, make sure people see something other than the top of your head and live in real time, in the real world.

I think people are looking for an alternative because in addition to there being sort of a myopic, lemming - like ants on a sugar cube mentality on this DNS attack story by many in the media, there's just this culture of sameness. Everybody sounds the same.

When I was a lawyer, I looked around at the female partners at the law firm - this is many years ago. And there were three. And they were lovely and they had three very different life circumstances and journeys that had gotten them to that vaunted position.

I think it's important for people to understand that this started with President Bill Clinton. He, as president, thought it was such a big priority, he passed the defense of marriage - defense of traditional non-gay marriage - that we have it as a federal law.

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