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In my heart of hearts, I'm a character actress, whereas other people play their one strength.
It's always been my dream to have a monster rhythm section that's just all groove and pocket.
I've always been the opposite of mainstream. I march to my own beat. It's the only way I know.
I don't want a tan, but I do love blushes in colors that give you that whole sun-kissed thing.
I collect clothes - they keep building and building. I buy them instead of having them washed.
TV is wild. You just play the role you're given, and you show up and do the best that you can.
Being an actor is like being a bass player: one of the component parts to the collective hole.
I've been around for a long time now, and you start to hear these urban legends about yourself.
All this primal energy people respond to in me and my characters is in my music, 10 times more.
Understanding human nature. Perception. That's how I see acting - perception and communication.
For me, a spiritual and existential crisis is the same thing in that your foundation gets rocked.
My only after-school job before I got into acting was babysitting. I had younger brothers and sisters.
I don't approach anything I do like an academic. I'm not trained, and I work with intuition a great deal.
What do I think being wild is? Nothing. Actually, the whole world is wild. Everything is wild. There we go.
I have people come up to me who love 'The Other Sister,' or 'Old School,' or 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape.'
I'm always revving the engine. In this industry, there are so many twists and turns. You never have it made.
I don't want to be famous as a movie star and have the whole world love me, I want to be a creative actress.
I didn't think my success from film was going to translate at all, musically. In fact, it worked against me.
Over time, I've loved jazz, Miles Davis and Chet Baker, then Janis and Jimi and Creedence, then classic rock.
As I evolve, my interests change, always. But, what is consistent is that I always look for something new to play.
If you could place blame on entertainment for all the crimes people commit, you'd be in court all the livelong day.
I wrote songs when I was little, and I wrote a journal, but I don't think I knew how to let that truth come out yet.
Some of my greatest memories are of sleep-away camp; I did that three summers in a row when I was, like, 9,10, and 11.
If someone tells you over and over that everything's great, you immediately think, 'OK, what's the rest of the story?'
[There's] this idea of "I want to take care of myself," but at the same time I want to be brave, daring, and expressive.
I experience so many feelings and emotions when I tour. It's the most amazing and also the most lonely thing you can do.
I grew up in Hollywood in an apartment. Then in Tarzana, California, on a mini ranch where we owned horses and chickens.
I think I can be beautiful with all the little stuff done, and I can be ugly. A lot of attractive actresses can't be ugly.
I recommend everyone wakes up in the morning to Bachman Turner Overdrive's 'Taking Care Or Business' - you'll feel better.
For my rock band, I was influenced by things like 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show.' For me, it's live rock n' roll theater.
I have a huge fear of crowds. The irony is that my band is a therapeutic exercise. I hurl myself into thousands of people.
I was singing before I acted, but I was also attracted to drama, and, y'know, I got successful at that, which isn't a bad thing.
I don't have an explosive temper. People seem to think that - maybe somewhere lives the lion in my cage. But I'm actually kind of goofy.
For me, the most challenging thing was developing myself as a songwriter and as a performer and as the leader of a band. And I just did it.
Nobody would ever think, "Oh, get into acting so you can live the straight and narrow path," but it gave me a sense of discipline and focus.
I'm always fighting the cup-is-half-empty way of being, versus the cup-is-half-full. I'm always fighting the pessimistic versus the positive.
Musically, I wear many hats. I'm the social media director. I conceptualise the videos, write the songs, do the press. I'm not a major label act.
My dad instilled in me to naturally question all authority. I don't follow anything blindly. That's religion, cops, doctors, schools, you name it.
I like people like Tina Turner, Chrissie Hynde, Debbie Harry, and Stevie Nicks; you only hear that person in their voice, they sound like nobody else.
I know what I'm doing. And I even know when I don't know what I'm doing. Then there are people who don't want to know that you know what you're doing.
I just care about what I get to unearth and what makes me uncomfortable and what makes me grow because, ultimately, I just don't want to ever play it safe.
Any time you start judging with an overly critical eye rather than letting things just be, and following what you think is right, it's complicated to find balance.
In movies like 'Cape Fear,' I never played verbal characters. Now, as a grown-up, I relish playing people that are not like myself. That's what I enjoy about acting.
With movies and TV, storytelling, it's a different medium. I really love it, but I'm one part of many, many pieces of that puzzle and a lot of it is out of my control.
As actors, we want to go find the humanity and make it more nuanced and fill in the colors, rather than just being suit people who crack cases, 'cause they aren't that.
When you say you grew up in Los Angeles, a lot of people think the west side: they think the glitz and all this stuff that I actually had no relationship to growing up.
I think in my late 20s, I was starting to enter that realm of complacency, which is the most terrifying place I can imagine as an artist. I felt time creeping up on me.
I always liken myself to the bearded lady. Because I'm an actress turned musician, a woman doing male-dominated rock & roll... I'm the oddity at the freak show, you know?
I was meant to make music in my soul way younger than I did. I was just scared because I knew it would take more of me than anything else. But I was all into facing my fears.
I haven't made a career off my looks, thank God, but hopefully how I've moved people emotionally, the directors I've been able to work with, and the stories I've been a part of.