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You can say the opposite of something you've said but you can't do the opposite of something you've done.
The man who gets drunk in peacetime is a coward. The man who gets drunk in wartime goes on being a coward.
The man who spends all his time looking up to heaven is not always the best; in fact, he is usually the worst.
I fear only that which I love, says man, according to Montaigne. Woman replies: I love only that which I fear.
A piece of advice always contains an implicit threat, just as a threat always contains an implicit piece of advice.
Life is a dangerous adventure, says the American, and he is half right: life is dangerous, but it's not an adventure.
When I listen to the engine of my car, I might say it sounds fine, but it would not occur to me to say "What lovely music!
Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.
To be thirsty and to drink water is the perfection of sensuality rarely achieved. Sometimes you drink water; other times you are thirsty.
There are those who dance to the rhythm that is played to them, those who only dance to their own rhythm, and those who don't dance at all.
The thirst for adventure is the vent which Destiny offers; a war, a crusade, a gold mine, a new country, speak to the imagination and offer.
A German immersed in any civilization different from his own loses a weight equivalent in volume to the amount of intelligence he displaces.
We say of an animal that it is intelligent, and we say the same thing of a woman; but in neither case is it usually appropriate, clearly for very different reasons.