Beauty is everything.

Maybe the universe will get tired of me.

I like to think I'm healthy. I exercise a lot.

It's so great to have your private relationships play out in the press.

I haven't gone home with anybody who tried to pick me up in a long time.

I eat mostly vegan, try to get enough sleep. For me, that's really critical.

If you've got to get fired, it's really fabulous to get fired with a friend.

I'm a yes person. I'm too concerned with trying to make too many people happy.

There are so many things I want to do! Some are personal. Some are professional.

I can kind of go into the wild places and immediately feel rested and rejuvenated.

I think 'Make love, not war' might be the most profound statement that's ever been made.

If I have a drink in my hand, sometimes it accidentally falls in the direction of the person.

You've gotta wonder what kind of vibe you're putting out there if you're having really creepy people come talk to you.

I wanted to be a lead singer in a band. I can't sing. I'm almost tone deaf. I still play. Next life, rock'n'roll for sure.

The reason the contracts are so long is because actors are very spontaneous; we may want to do Shakespeare one day and be Porky Pig the next!

Often, even if I'm struggling with a decision or something, if I just go out into the ocean, that answer will come without thinking about it too much.

I grew up believing my generation would be better. We would be kinder, we would be more level-headed. We would be more loving. And so many people are missing.

I think I'm very easily inspired. People, wildlife, nature, music, art. I think that I'm lucky that I have this great sense of wonderment about life in general.

I sit every once in a while and I think about plays and films I can do with William Petersen into our eighties. He's the most incredible scene partner I've ever had.

I have been very fortunate in [the entertainment] business, and I am very grateful for that. I wish the same for everyone out there, especially everyone who dares to dream.

I like to think I'm healthy. I exercise a lot. I have this great dog, and I walk her about five days a week. I dance, I surf. I eat mostly vegan, try to get enough sleep. For me, that's really critical.

I try to balance work and play. I'm really grateful that I can kind of have that philosophy, so I can try to get out of the city as much as possible, even though I love the city and I'm not ready to leave it.

I think everybody else in Hollywood, including network execs, has the opportunity to ask for a raise or a change in scenery in a much shorter time frame than actors. But I do think the networks have to protect themselves.

I've never been to college, and I think about that. But I kept putting it off, and I am also thinking about having a child, and that's really important. Also, I want to do a lot of traveling and surfing - two of my hobbies.

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