The magic's back, folks.

Social support is everything.

I think it now comes down to whether you have the skills or not.

My heart has always been in more up-tempo music you can dance to.

Just going on the road and entertaining the fans, that's amazing.

Any form of a winning record in the conference is an accomplishment.

If you've got the chops, people these days are more accepting of you.

I just had to block someone on Facebook who was impersonating my wife.

I believe in love that's fun, that is caring, giving, and that is honest.

A true friend to me is someone who will be there when the chips are down.

I think if you stop bad habits, and you stop long enough, you develop good habits.

I was an alcoholic, for sure. It became a problem steadily over the course of six years.

It does get crazy sometimes, but I've never complained about stopping to give autographs or anything like that.

There's this idea that when you turn 40, you automatically go to adult contemporary heaven, but I want to try and challenge that.

Back in the day, if you did any commercials or were affiliated with a company you were a sellout. Now it's kind of normal to do that.

When you go to awards shows these days, you can walk through a room and they give you everything for free: sunglasses, guitars, stuff for the wife.

One day I woke up with an atrocious hangover, and it hurt so badly that I told myself, 'It's time to stop. I can't do it anymore. It's not good. It hurts too much.'

I don't really look at myself as a role model. And I just am the way I am and if people want to look up to me, they do. By no means do I like to give a negative image either.

You only live once and you don't know it because of the everyday activities, but if you walk around knowing you only have one time on this planet, you'll make a whole lot more of it.

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