Only humans can cry tears.

Life is scarier than death.

What does it remember like?

Why I'm not where you are ...

To feel alone is to be alone.

Nothing is beautiful and true.

What if I never stop inventing?

Sadness of love without release.

Songs are as sad as the listener.

Let love write on you for awhile.

Succotash my Balzac, dipshiitake.

We spent our lives making livings.

...and when is enough proof enough?

There is no greater gift than time.

She is deranged, but so so playful.

In the end, everyone loses everyone. the immovability of truth.

With writing, we have second chances.

As long as I am thinking, I am alive.

I spent my life learning to feel less.

I've never particularly liked bankers.

Yesterday I wanted to turn inside out.

I'd lost count of the disappointments.

The American dream itself is declining.

Sometimes one simply wants to disappear.

and i wouldn't say no to something sweet.

How did her life live itself without her.

But I dig Negroes. I dig them all the way.

I was more alone than if I had been alone.

Words never mean what we want them to mean.

If god exists, he is not to be believed in.

I regret how much I believed in the future.

If nothing matters, there's nothing to save.

It is better to lose than never to have had.

I never confused what I had with what I was.

She brushed her eyelashes against his chest.

Grandfather informs me that is not possible.

The gift is for you...The surprise is for me.

i couldn't speak the language of his feelings

We are being very nomadic with the truth, yes?

People hurt each other. That's what people do.

Maybe I'll try to be more patient with morons.

Is that growing old? Or is it something worse?

Sometimes you have to put your fears in order.

For how long could we fail until we surrendered?

I can only hold on to the things I want to lose.

...people with nothing to declare carry the most.

I believed him. I was not stupid. I was his wife.

Every moment before this one depends on this one.

Try to live so that you can always tell the truth.

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