Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness, in the other world, as I possibly can.

To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.

We are dependent on the power of God to convert us and give faith in Jesus Christ and the new nature.

Love is no ingredient in a merely speculative faith, but it is the life and soul of a practical faith.

Intend to live in continual mortification, and never to expect or desire any worldly ease or pleasure.

The door of God’s mercy is thrown wide open, and Christ stands in the door and says to sinners ‘Come.’

The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.

Christ is the true light of the world; it is through him alone that true wisdom is imparted to the mind.

Jesus Christ is both the only price and sacrifice by which eternal redemption is obtained for believers.

Every Christian that goes before us from this world is a ransomed spirit waiting to welcome us in heaven.

A greater absurdity cannot be thought of than a morose, hardhearted, covetous, proud, malicious Christian.

Spiritual delight in God arises chiefly from his beauty and perfection, not from the blessings he gives us.

One requirement to be used as a leader in a movement of revival: They must have the Spirit of God upon them.

Resolved to live with all my might while I do live, and as I shall wish I had done ten thousand years hence.

To mark all that I say in conversation, merely to beget in others, a good opinion of myself, and examine it.

A sinner is not justified before God (coram Deo) apart from the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith.

A man who knows that he lives in sin against God will not be inclined to come daily into the presence of God.

The view of the misery of the damned will double the ardour of the love and gratitude of the saints of heaven.

Resolved, never henceforward, till I die, to act as if I were any way my own, but entirely and altogether God's.

He that sees the beauty of holiness or true moral good ,sees the greatest and most important thing in the world.

There is a difference between having a rational judgment that honey is sweet, and having a sense of its sweetness

The beauty of the world consists wholly of sweet mutual consents, either within itself or with the supreme being.

Wicked people will on the day of judgment see all there is to see of Jesus Christ, except His beauty and loveliness

I make it my rule, to lay hold of light and embrace it, wherever I see it, though held forth by a child or an enemy.

He that has doctrinal knowledge and speculation only, without affection, never is engaged in the business of religion.

One of these grand defects, as I humbly conceive, is this, that children are habituated to learning without understanding.

Of all the knowledge that we can ever obtain, the knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourselves, are the most important.

Grace is the seed of glory, the dawning of glory in the heart, and therefore grace is the earnest of the future inheritance.

The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music.

Christ gives peace to the most sinful and miserable that come to Him. He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds.

Resolved, to ask myself at the end of every day, week, month and year, wherein I could possibly in any respect have done better.

True liberty consists only in the power of doing what we ought to will, and in not being constrained to do what we ought not to will

True liberty consists only in the power of doing what we ought to will, and in not being constrained to do what we ought not to will.

Resolved, never to speak evil of anyone, so that it shall tend to his dishonor, more or less, upon no account except for some real good.

The end of the creation is that the creation might glorify [God]. Now what is glorifying God, but a rejoicing at that glory he has displayed?

From love arises hatred of those things which are contrary to what we love, or which oppose and thwart us in those things that we delight in.

The bodies of those that made such a noise and tumult when alive, when dead, lie as quietly among the graves of their neighbors as any others.

There is no way that Christians, in a private capacity, can do so much to promote the work of God and advance the kingdom of Christ as by prayer.

The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.

Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls.

By the grace of God we will never pluck unripe fruit. We will never press people to decision, because we'll lead them to damnation and not salvation.

God’s purpose for my life was that I have a passion for God’s glory and that I have a passion for my joy in that glory, and that these two are one passion.

They who truly come to God for mercy, come as beggars, and not as creditors: they come for mere mercy, for sovereign grace, and not for anything that is due

Those who are in a state of salvation are to attribute it to sovereign grace alone, and to give all the praise to Him who maketh them to differ from others.

true weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better.

Consider that as a principle of love is the main principle in the heart of a real Christian, so the labor of love, is the main business of the Christian life.

Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.

Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.

Family education and order are some of the chief means of grace; if these are duly maintained, all the means of grace are likely to prosper and become effectual.

A true love for God must begin with a delight in His holiness, and not with a delight in any other attribute; for no other attribute is truly lovely without this.

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