Apart from Jesus Christ you are spiritually bankrupt.

My own heart has to be under constant check by Jesus.

Lord, give us a ministry where the sun will never set.

There is no record in the Bible of a weak man falling.

The beginning of knowledge is to know thyself a sinner.

When people get drunk they do things they shouldn't do.

There is no such thing as great work without longevity.

More lives are influenced by emulation than exhortation.

Influencers are dreamers. They are leaders with a vision.

People want to be part of something bigger than they are.

God has been preparing me for what God had prepared for me.

Uriah proved to be a better man drunk than David was sober.

If your lives connect with other people you have influence.

We do a stewardship series every Sunday...at offering time.

God's kiss of forgiveness sucks the poison out of the wound.

I've never seen so much suicide...The Bible is full of hope.

Before I met Jesus I wanted to be a professional pool player.

The platform God has given me is the platform of exhortation.

The godly are not exempt from trouble but are preserved in it.

The best thing there is to do when there is temptation is run.

If you are godly it has been because you have been made godly.

You should use your influence to help other platforms succeed.

Influence is the platform God gives you to help others succeed.

If you listen to your people they'll tell you what's important.

When you go before God, you can only confess one person's sins.

If you know what you got and like it, be reluctant to leave it.

Influencers influence people and the people who they influence.

Influencers connect with others before they take them anywhere.

You have to experience grace to be one who knows how to give it.

The stewardship of influence. What have you done with influence?

Any sin you cover, God uncovers. Any sin you uncover, God covers.

The only way I see an out is for you to take full responsibility.

The word "influence" means the power to change or affect someone.

When Jesus Christ forgives you of sin, He never brings it back up.

You can minimize your sin. Rationalize your sin. Justify your sin.

Some people you speak to you speak into their heads. It's logical.

All our good works and good intentions can't solve our sin problem.

What blame did Jesus have when He took the full blame for your sin?

Everyone wants to connect with someone who people think is someone.

Platforms are established because of the way the Lord used someone.

Everyone of you got to where you are because someone influenced you.

All the good you've ever done does not make it permissible to sin now.

The #1 reasons are unsuccessful is their inability to lead themselves.

The enemy will hit you in your area of strength to discourage himself.

People who excel at something can rarely tell you how to do something.

You can't receive forgiveness unless you let God deal with your deceit.

This is one beggar who has found bread telling others where to find it.

Would you like me to teach you how to trust God? Start with your money.

You cannot control sin. Sin will control you. Do not try to manage sin.

It is estimated over 80% of all illnesses today are spiritual in nature.

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