Order is the law of all intelligible existence.

All powers, all laws, are but the fair Embodied thoughts of God.

The wise man of Miletus thus declared the first of things is water

A fair face without a fair soul is like a glass eye that shines and sees nothing.

Converse with men makes sharp the glittering wit, But God to man doth speak in solitude.

All things to all men only fools will tell, Truth profits none but those that use it well.

Wine is the drink of the gods, milk the drink of babes, tea the drink of women, and water the drink of beasts.

Brahma is the great Creator, Life a mystic drama; Heaven, and Earth, and living Nature Are but masks of Brahma.

Wake the power within thee slumbering, trim the plot that's in thy keeping, thou wilt bless the task when reaping sweet labour's prize.

The highest art is always the most religious; and the greatest artist is always a devout man. A scoffing Raphael or Michael Angelo is not conceivable.

Rocking on a lazy billow With roaming eyes, Cushioned on a dreamy pillow, Thou art now wise. Wake the power within thee slumbering, Trim the plot that's in thy keeping, Thou wilt bless the task when reaping Sweet labour's prize.

Creation is the production of order. What a simple, but, at the same time, comprehensive and pregnant principle is here! Plato could tell his disciples no ultimate truth of more pervading significance. Order is the law of all intelligible existence.

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