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There are usually multiple messages that could be preached from the same text.
One of the great illusions of our time is that hurrying will buy us more time.
Who you become while you're waiting is as important as what you're waiting for.
Imagine watching all that God might have done with your life if you had let him.
The test of love is that it gives even when there is no expectation of a return.
Love of learning led to monasteries, which became the cradle of academic guilds.
I need an inspiration that is grounded in reality while thoroughly transcendent.
There is no way for a human being to come to God that does not involve surrender.
Spiritual transformation is not a matter of trying harder, but of training wisely.
Women are the first witnesses to the resurrection and pillars of the early church.
Every human being who has ever lived has suffered from a messiah complex-except one.
You can only love and be loved to the extent that you know and are known by somebody.
Nobody lives up to the norms that God had in mind when he first created human beings.
sometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for until it is threatened.
The greatest moment of your life is now. This moment is God's irreplaceable gift to you.
Grace is the offer of God's ceaseless presence and irrational love that cannot be stopped.
What matters is not the accomplishments you achieve; what matters is the person you become.
Both hope and pessimism are deeply contagious. And no one is more infectious than a leader.
Jesus changed how the world thinks about science, medicine, human rights, education & more.
When someone is in crisis, don't start by teaching, leveraging, or explaining. Just be with.
God wishes to be seen, wishes to be sought, wishes to be expected, and wishes to be trusted.
Having faith does not mean never having doubts or questions. It does mean remaining obedient.
We are tempted to live under the illusion that somewhere out there are people who are normal.
The main measure of your devotion to God is not your devotional life. It is simply your life.
Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat.
God has decided, for his own good reasons, that people are not transformed outside of community.
The ministry of bearing with one another is learning to hear God speak through difficult people.
Congregations shaped by the Scriptures generally have preachers who are shaped by the Scriptures.
Disciplined people can do the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reason.
Your world could grow infinitely bigger if you were only willing to become...appropri ately small.
Actually, my character needs to be questioned. On a regular basis. By people who know and love me.
It strikes me that presidential campaigns can often bring out the worst as well as the best in us.
Over and over in the Bible, it is fear that threatens to keep people from trusting and obeying God.
The goal is not for us to get through the Scriptures. The goal is to get the Scriptures through us.
Skeptics would rather, even at their own expense, appear to be right than take the risk of trusting.
Jesus ... associated with the outcasts; he spoke with them, touched them, ate with them, loved them.
Jesus had a universal concern for those who suffered that transcended the rules of the ancient world.
The Holy Spirit will lead you to be with people as Jesus would be with them if He were in your place.
When we live in the love of God, we begin to pay attention to people the way God pays attention to us.
Waiting on the Lord is a confident, disciplined, expectant, active, sometimes painful clinging to God.
Going in faith does not necessarily mean going with serenity or without doubts. Faith can be difficult.
The reason our souls hunger so is that the life we could be living so far exceeds our strangest dreams.
The day people around me stop questioning my character is the day my character begins to grow vulnerable.
In the context of worship, amusement is a waste of time and a waste of life, and therefore a form of sin.
Our beliefs are not just estimates of probabilities. They are also the instruments that guide our actions.
Churches need to figure out how they will address the spiritual lives of their staffs and leadership teams.
One of the reasons I'm an interesting person to be married to is my intensely late-blooming self-awareness.
Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation.
It only makes sense to ask God for guidance in the context of a life committed to "seeking first the kingdom."
The Bible does not say you are God’s appliance; it says you are his masterpiece. Appliances get mass-produced.