Our Facebook went off the charts and volunteers poured into our campaigns and actually helped us achieve the ballot access status that we have now on the ballot in just about 48 states and this has continued.

We have missiles - nuclear missiles - on hair-trigger alert. We should be in the business of nuclear disarmament right now, which neither of these candidates [Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton] are talking about.

We were out there with the people whose homes were flooded out in Southern Louisiana. We are out there on the front line with everyday people fighting the real frontline battle that real Americans are fighting.

I did my residency on the South Side of Chicago.We were taking care of people who were incredibly sick and were really struggling with poverty, and , access to food, and how could they afford their medications.

We now have over a hundred thousand people who are signed up on our campaign and our petition to open up the debate, and we're encouraging people to come and to join us and to insist that we need to be included.

There are other forms of community-based decision-making, not unlike, you know, our elected bodies, except that the intention here is to exclude pay-to-play players from determining how these decisions are made.

[Hillary Clinton'] transition director being Ken Salazar, I think, indicates that she will continue to be a friend to fracking. It's not possible to solve the climate crisis while we continue to expand fracking.

That's not to say they [Bill and Hillary Clinton] intend to be corrupt, but I think they're way too cozy with the economic elite, and we know that our political system exemplifies the power of the economic elite.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talked about free public higher education going forward, but not dealing with this burden of debt, which has really locked a generation into kind of a hopeless future right now.

On climate change, we are told that there will be a civilization-ending development in the form of massive sea level rise as soon as 2050. Anybody plan to be here in 2050? I think a few of us do, myself included.

Over three-quarters of the American people are saying it's time to open up the debates. We have rejected these two candidates [Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] at the highest levels of disapproval in our history.

You know, terrorism in Afghanistan had everything to do with the support for the mujahidin by Saudi Arabia and by the CIA that sought to create an international religious extremist group to fight the Soviet Union.

In order to fight militarism under Hillary Clinton or under Donald Trump, it's very important that we cast a vote on behalf of peace and on international - and a policy based on international law and human rights.

Why should the Democratic and Republican parties be in charge of the debates, especially at a time when the largest block of voters has repudiated the Democratic and Republican parties? Why are they still in charge?

If past behavior is any indication, we're in a lot of trouble with Hillary Clinton in the White House, as well, who has promised to start a no-fly zone in Syria, which amounts to a declaration of war against Russia.

Especially without coverage, we have made it to 4, 5, 6% in the polls just on the power of the public interest out there from Americans who feel like they've been thrown under the bus by the two conventional parties.

I don't have a vested interest in a particular political career or a particular political office. My job is to do everything that I can to create an America and a world that we can live in and that we can survive in.

It is so much fun to be out there on the campaign trail with Ajamu Baraka because who comes out is totally different from anything I have seen before in progressive campaigns because he is so empowering and inspiring.

We have two thousand nuclear weapons on the trigger alert right now and Hillary Clinton wants to start an air war with Russia, a nuclear-armed power, over Syria as the means of addressing ISIS and the crisis in Syria.

Donald Trump business connections, which are really horrifying. I mean, they make Hillary Clinton look like small change when it comes to influence peddlin and really engaging the most nefarious forces around the world.

We don't supply a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons to the war criminals in Saudi Arabia nor do we supply eight million dollars a day to the Israeli army that is also violating international law and human rights.

This is in a nutshell, this is what's wrong with our media, and we see that really played out full in this election [2016], where this is undoubtedly the most toxic election that we've had in - certainly in my lifetime.

We call for a green New Deal, like the New Deal that got us out of the Great Depression, but in this case focusing on green jobs to create 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, which is exactly what the science calls for.

This administration [of Barack Obama] has massively expanded fossil fuel extraction. So while they give lip service to it, they actually do not walk the walk that we need to walk if we are going to get out of here alive.

The specific trigger for me was when the President [Barack Obama] put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. Why I got into the race - it just seemed unconscionable that the Democrats were leading the charge.

The politics of fear has delivered everything we were afraid of. It's important to take a lesson from the days of Richard Nixon, when people stood up under a very oppressive president with a very oppressive Supreme Court.

The next Wall Street crash is just around the corner. The meltdown of the climate is coming. The wolves are at the door, all kinds of them. We need to stand up and provide the solutions that are there, that are affordable.

There has to be - you know, this is like what I think Americans really have trouble with, an economy that's working for the privileged few, and there those privileged few are getting special favors from the political elite.

The anti-slavery parties were also called spoilers, including the Republican party that went on not just to abolish slavery but they actually take over the Presidency moving very quickly from third-party into the Presidency.

We've seen the Republican Party come apart at the seam with Donald Trump taking the remnants over the cliff. We've seen the basic foundation of the Republican Party move into the Democratic Party inside of Hillary's campaign.

Today, suddenly, after, what, five years, suddenly he [Donald Trump] became convinced that it's not an issue. Yesterday it was an issue. It will probably become an issue again for him. You know, the guy may have a memory problem.

The two majority candidates right now, the Democratic and Republican candidates,[Donald] Trump and [Hillary] Clinton, are the most disliked and untrusted Presidential candidates in our history with more than majority disapproval.

We need a nonpartisan debate commission that actually allows candidates, who are on the ballot in enough states that they could win the election - voters not only have a right to vote, we have a right to know who we can vote for.

We call for a welcoming path to citizenship, an end to police violence, and a transformed foreign policy based on international law and human rights - not based on these policies of regime change and economic and military domination.

We could solve this problem of a divided vote, or an unintended consequence of your vote, to a voting system which uses your name, where I am right now, they've got it on the ballot for a statewide referendum which enables people to.

I think we need to be a superpower of human rights, of support for true grassroots democracy, not corporatist economic development, which suits our economic elite but has not been helpful to the cause of democracies around the world.

I feel like that is saying to young people, "You have no chance of ever getting out of debt in your life, right?" Personally, I think that the role of the press is to ensure that the American public understands who their choices are.

I don't think this is rocket science. I think we have some common interests, like dismantling our nuclear weapons, dealing with terrorism and, in my view, you know, [Barack] Obama is now cooperating with [Vladimir] Putin to drop bombs.

The clock is ticking. It's time to stand up. Reject the lesser evil and that propaganda. Reject the lesser evil. Fight for the greater good like our lives depend on it, because they do. We're running out of time. It's time to stand up.

We really are, we represent, the core of basic American community values. And the name of the game is getting the word out, you know, and they are quaking in their boots, which, of course, is why they will not pass ranked choice voting.

This is true to party tyranny and it locks people in, especially outrageous at this time that people feel like they are being thrown under the bus by these two political parties and are demanding, you know, other options in large numbers.

We had all the advantages of being in, you know, the '50s and the '60s, where a one-income household could actually support a family. And mom was around and wanted nothing more than to just, you know, do everything she could for her kids.

I think it depends on what agenda that female president brings. It's not good if that female president brings an agenda which is actually hostile to the cause of living wages. Women need equal wages to men, but not equal wages at poverty.

[Hillart Clinton] holds the illusion that we can make fossil fuel safe, and that they are safe, and she established an office for fracking. We know who she's taking the money from. We know who the Democratic Party is taking the money from.

I was really intrigued by how - sort of the common themes and sort of the blend among music, and that was sort of my real interest was, at one point, musically, was how you could weave those different kinds of songs and traditions together.

Which is a real heads-up about what Hillary's [Clinton] agenda is. We've seen Hillary flip-flop, but she's had a pretty consistent track record. Which is that she has been a very good friend to the banks, received enormous support from them.

The Green Party provides the infrastructure, kind of the culture of watchdogging the electoral bureaucracy, and how you participate, how you get on the ballot, stuff like that which is very difficult to do unless you have billions of dollars.

Back in the 1950s, we did a study in Framingham called the Framingham Study.This needs to be done for developmental disabilities. It's outrageous that people have had to live with this heartache for so long without having a definitive answer.

We basically maintain that we can have an America and world that works for all of us, but that we need to really engage, and inform and empower the American voter, who are a bunch of very unhappy campers right now. They deserve to be informed.

Hillary Clinton is the problem; she is not the solution to Donald Trump. We are the solution. We are the ones we've been waiting for. This is our moment. Together, we do have the power to create an America and a world that works for all of us.

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