We call for a weapons embargo.

Democracy needs a moral compass.

We deserve elections we can trust.

I think NATO needs to be looked at.

Ajamu Baraka is very inspirational.

I'm not opposed to the use of force.

I loved Israeli music, Israeli folk music.

I actually studied Indian classical vocal music.

I think we need equal wages which are living wages.

Why not liberate voters to actually vote your values?

We don't have to convince people how screwed they are.

I think the press is here to inform and empower people.

In the world of millennials we are running very strong .

We ended the war in Vietnam, and brought the troops home.

I assume I have the lowest blood pressure of any candidate.

There is no such thing as a survivable or local nuclear war.

At a time of great social upheaval, all things are possible.

Right now we also have this epidemic of obesity and diabetes.

I would be happy to run a race with Hillary Clinton any time.

I think, charitable foundations are, in general, a good thing.

Well, you know, with Donald Trump, it's non-stop and it's 24-7.

We have all the numbers we need to turn this system on its head.

We call for healthcare as a human right through Medicare for all.

We cannot guarantee the human rights of any oppressed group alone.

If we are going to save our hides, we need to start with democracy.

I don't trust their [Bill and Hillary Clinton ] sense of boundaries.

We're not out holding fundraisers in the Hamptons or in Beverly Hills.

I think, as a white person, I do not want to speak for a black person.

Voters, I think, in many ways, have begun to really reject the system.

If you can't put your values into your vote, we don't have a democracy.

The problem is that, you know, the corporate press loves [Donald Trump].

You cannot solve the climate crisis if you are putting people out of work.

We spend $3 trillion a year [on healthcare] and we're only getting sicker.

[My mother] was busy being a homemaker and was not an activist by any means.

We need to use antitrust laws. You know, we need to create real media again.

It's really quite astounding to see what the science says we can actually do.

They [Democrats] are not just going up, they are accelerating on their way up.

[I like] Victor Jara and the music of Chile, and the social movement in Chile.

I mean, this is a joke, to try to implicate me as like a friend of the Russians.

Regime change is not within that purview. And that has been an all-out disaster.

This may be news to Big Money politicians, but they actually don't own our votes.

We also call for free public education going forward. We know it pays for itself.

We need a new kind of offensive in the Middle East. It's called a peace offensive.

Our fundraising went up about a thousand percent and that's largely been sustained.

It's not possible to solve the climate crisis while we continue to expand fracking.

The majority of American voters have rejected both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

We the voters demand the right to be in charge here, to be informed, to be empowered.

You don't know what the real problems of a health care system are until you get sick.

Instead of bailing out Wall Street for the fourth time.. let's bail out the students.

I think public health is kind of in a very sad state of affairs here in this country.

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