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Anger is evil.
Men, it's okay to be a man!
The Democratic Party is evil.
Political correctness is evil.
Barack Obama is no fan of the military.
An angry woman cannot respect a weak man.
The Obamacare roll-out was an epic failure.
Barack Obama is not black America's messiah.
Men are the spiritual heads of their families.
If men do not return to God, evil will destroy us.
The children of the lie use emotions to manipulate.
Barack Obama hates white people - especially white men.
Blacks abandoned morals, fathers, and real belief in God.
Whites have to overcome the fear of being called 'racist.'
We must end welfare programs that devalue men and spoil women.
Women need men to be strong, just as Christ is strong for men.
Faith in God helped black Americans endure slavery and Jim Crow.
Wherever men are weak, there is no love - and destruction reigns.
It is the responsibility of men and women of God to tell the truth.
Dads offer the spiritual love that instills confidence in children.
It's abnormal for any man to have a leader other than God and Christ.
Blatant hostility and racism toward whites is common among black youth.
God bless America, and God bless the Great White Hope, President Trump!
Women use men's weaknesses toward them to cause trouble and distraction.
Obama kept blacks broke and angry the entire eight years he was in office.
I grew up on a plantation in Alabama in a small town outside of Montgomery.
Free markets, hard work, and morality will benefit blacks and all Americans.
The spiritual life is always about letting go. It is never about holding on.
To own up to one's lack of courage and shortcoming without excuses is courage.
Hate-filled people easily believe and repeat slanderous lies about innocent men.
Obama has been successfully dividing Americans like no other president in history.
Males raised and nurtured on mama's 'love' resent the need that they have for women.
You will never know God unless you love your fellow man, beginning with your father.
It's a good bet that if Jesse Jackson calls something a 'civil rights issue,' it's not.
Homosexuality is not about love, it's not about family, and it's not about civil rights.
White people must speak out against black racism, no matter where it rears its ugly head.
The Left wants to silence conservative Christians in the media and in the political square.
Men with anger do not know how to deal with unreasonable, pushy people, particularly women.
We must demand that blacks work, stop making babies out of wedlock, and raise their children.
Good men stand against evil and overcome it, in their private lives and in their communities.
We get what we deserve in life, and the challenges and evils that come are opportunities to overcome.
We need all races of men, and decent women, to stand up for what's right, drop anger, and live upright.
News flash to black Americans: Barack Obama has never loved you, and by now, it should be clear to you!
Liberals cannot win in the battle of ideas, so they resort to banning or suppressing ideas they don't like.
Most people's problems start as children when their parents, especially mothers, cause them to become angry.
The Democrats are evil, and they crave power. They're willing to destroy any decent man or woman to attain it.
White guilt and the fear of speaking up concerning issues of race and morality is costing this nation greatly.
Throughout American history, whites have played a significant role in helping blacks secure freedom and equality.
If a relationship does not promote a state's legitimate interests, there is no reason a state should sanction it.
One reason whites, men, and Christians are so hated by the elitist establishment is that they tend to be conservative.