If it's not good, it's not the end.

My family life mirrors why I am the person I am.

When you have children it wakes up the child in you.

Are you outside or inside the work­? You don't really know.

I think that when something ends there's something new starting.

I don't need to be everywhere because my art pieces can talk for themselves.

I've become much more spiritual and use a lot of energy to try and keep the balance.

I was looking for acceptance, love, and that's why I became present in everything I did.

I think that this media online stuff makes us all sick. We think we have to be online all the time.

I think what we need is to understand each other much more, especially with the whole world right now.

Of course it's nice to be connected, but the nicest thing, I think, is someone you can look in the eye and talk to.

I'm not politically active, but I'm saying [that] you can open up people's understanding of themselves and others with play.

We don't understand each other. That's why there are so many bad things happening; a lot of it has to do with not understanding.

When you start to get influenced by your family, you feel love for someone else and your heart starts to move away from yourself.

If you're creating a smile in yourself and also giving it to someone else, then you've started a dialogue. You also start to play.

When you have children, you start to play with them and you mirror yourself. You see your parents in yourself. It's all about mirroring.

We're in a society, I think, where everyone thinks it's so cool to work, it's so cool to be online, so cool to be super busy. I think it's super cool not to be busy.

People reflect themselves in the work and [it] becomes a tool for communication and dialogue. You bring it out here and you see people walking around taking photos, kids running, everyone being a part of it.

We're all looking for acceptance and love, beginning with our parents. And then when you find [that] out, you start working with yourself, you start to find out that the acceptance and love that you find somewhere else mirrors [you] in all kinds of different situations. That type of love you can only find in one place: in yourself. And many times we're all looking for it somewhere else.

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