It takes a lot of guts to put on a face full of makeup, being a male in the world where a lot of people still think that cosmetics are only for women.

I love tie dye, metallic, and anything that stands out in terms of fashion. If it is fun and unique, I am into it... especially if it has aliens on it!

I didn't even know about guys wearing makeup, like David Bowie and Boy George. When I was really young, I wasn't into that - I was into Britney Spears.

If you click on MTV, it's the same 10 bands and the same 10 songs, and it gets so old. Kids are looking for something besides what they get on the radio.

I hope one day it won't matter who you're in love with. Gender is just a word. LOVE is beautiful. labels are for assholes. don't ever stop being yourselves.

I think it's so archaic that cosmetic companies are still using animal by-products and insects in their products! It's 2016, why is anyone still doing that?

So many people always fear tattoos because they don't want to limit themselves from certain jobs. I clearly never let that stop me and just got covered head to toe.

Celebs most likely pay someone to do their makeup for events, shows, red carpets, etc. My mind is blown sometimes when I see some of the horrendous contour or the uneven foundation.

It's been a dream of mine since I discovered my first lipstick to create and own my very own brand. My goal is to create products that do exactly what they say and that actually last!

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. Sure, everybody wants to play God, but for me it's a full-time job. What you don't understand, you can make mean anything.

Red lipstick has always been a classic. You have seen the red lip on people from Marilyn Monroe to Marilyn Manson. The right shade of red can turn a boring look into a bold, eye-catching statement.

So many people are close-minded. They aren't open with themselves. I want to be that punch in the face that says, "Who cares!" The more people try to hide sexuality, the more it's going to be brought up.

NYFW is not just about the designers and the runway. It is a massive production from the celebrities in attendance, the assistants backstage prepping the models before they walk to the epic after-parties!

My whole life is a contradiction on purpose - to make you think. I think people have forgetten how to have their own opinions. They're always waiting for someone to tell them what to do and what to wear - it's so boring.

I have porcelain skin and tattoos all over my body, so the sun can be my worst enemy. I also am trying to never age, which is why you can always find me hiding behind massive sunglasses or under an umbrella when the sun is out!

Every day is something new. It's kind of like Hurricane Katrina. Some days I'm recording or going shopping or having a group orgy. Maybe today I'll go to Louis Vuitton and have sex with a straight guy. I have to balance my time.

The cat eye is one of my favorites to rock because you can do so much with it from a thicker, bold look to the thin, simple black line. I sometimes even step it up a notch by adding colored liner or glitter to keep it fun and unique!

If you go to my shows, 90 percent of my fans are females between the ages of eleven and eighteen. People look at me like a living mannequin; all of these girls want pink hair. They want the cool makeup and contact lenses and cool clothes.

I use really crazy subject matter, like all of those pictures of me throwing up and cutting myself, it's to make people think rather than be so mediocre. Instead of just seeing another girl with implants, I want to have meaning to what I do.

In the beginning I was just a makeup artist and I never really pictured myself doing anything else. But now that I have so many doors open, I kind of want to be that indie rock Paris Hilton - but with actual intelligence - she's just stupid.

I don't know how it happened, but everyone thinks I'm this crazy b***h. Maybe because I don't have eyebrows. A lot of bands talk s**t about me and I post a blog calling them out. F**k them. The future is bright pink so put on some sunglasses, b****es.

Halloween is all about being bold, daring, and creative! You get to be someone else for the night thanks to makeup and a costume. I pretty much do that on the daily, so I am not that big on Halloween, but I do appreciate a good costume and some incredible makeup.

I think as the beauty industry moves forward, you will start to see more brands opening their eyes and becoming vegan. Excluding a huge part of the beauty consumers who only buy vegan, isn't right and if you can make just as high-quality makeup, why not stop cruelty?

I used to be really shy, and I think something happened in my brain where I was like, 'All right, I don't care anymore. I'm just going to be myself.' So I went to school wearing eyeliner and eye shadow, and they called my mom, telling her it was a distraction. My mom fought the school, and I got to wear makeup every day.

I like to say I have Internet Immorality. From the beginning of the "internet famous" era until now, I've evolved and went with the flow of change, always changing my makeup looks, fashion, and vision. My brand has grown so fast from social media and I don't know how life would be without be logging onto MySpace for the first time 10 years ago!

The customer is always what inspires me first! I love talking to everyone on Instagram and seeing feedback on SnapChat! I can ask a question like "What product do you wanna see next??" and they give you immediate answers. I will never make a product I personally wouldn't wear every day! But I think it's important to be in tune with your audience and see their expectations.

I've been a makeup artist since I was 12 and it was always a dream of mine back them to have my own line. I would spend hours every night recreating looks I saw in my mother's Cosmo magazines and it was my escape. When you come from a poor background and a family full of alcoholics, you don't fully understand what that means when you're a little kid. I found art and makeup, it changed my life.

As someone who is obsessed with fashion, I personally own non-vegan materials and am very open about that. I don't think it's right to pretend to be someone you're not to get sales. People know me on a real level because of how open I am in my videos. It was a simple choice: I didn't want to exclude anyone, that wasn't fair. I wanted EVERY customer to be able to wear my art. And it's morally right. End of story.

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