I have to look at our staff and ask the hard question - Would I hire ...

I have to look at our staff and ask the hard question - Would I hire them again?

Listen more than you talk.

I eat "NOs" for breakfast.

We need ask more questions.

Excellence requires us to prepare in advance.

What's it like to be on the other side of me?

If we're not careful we spiritualize laziness.

Who is in your life asking you the tough questions?

I love everybody but I don't have to hire everybody.

Keep your character several steps ahead of your talent

The people you listen to are a preview of the future you.

Asking for money is better over coffee than over a computer.

The church should train the Ritz Carlton on how to serve people.

At what point did we begin to think excellence is offensive to God?

Your life moves to a better place when you move at a sustainable pace

Charitable giving in the United States has remained at 2% of GDP since 1970.

Non-profit organizations think like non-profit organizations. That's the problem.

Walk humbly but walk confidently. People want to follow confident, humble leaders.

If you don't have an emotionally healthy staff you won't move forward as an organization.

Excellence Matters. Excellent people. Excellent vision. Excellent marketing. Excellent strategies.

I hire talented, creative, passionate learners who have a history of turning intention into reality.

I want you to be a connoisseur of great questions? Here's one - what would we do if we had no money?

Non-profits find the very best Who and put them on their Boards because they don't want to pay them.

We've got to build scale. We're going to hire the best people, build the best systems, and find solutions.

Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to fail unless God is in it, and you're in it as well.

I truly feel that food is a celebration of life. It's the most important, most valuable gift that God gave humans.

The solutions the non-profits are trying to provide aren't keeping pace with the problems they're trying to survive.

Fundraising requires looking someone eye-to-eye and say, "Will you help me" and don't say another thing. Just listen to them.

Excellence is a signal to God that we are going to dig our ditches but if You don't make it rain, all of this is a waste of time.

Talent matters. Systems matter. Strategies matter. We can't just bring nice people together and think we're going to solve the world's problems.

For profits think, "We've got to find that finest talent available, pay them what they're worth, and put them into their daily solutions. " Apply the Who to the What.

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