At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope ...

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

We live in a description of reality.

The soul is the lure of our becoming.

I'm very much an animal and nature person.

I am ready for the rest of my life to rise.

The world needs the sense that we are all in it together.

A normal person is someone that you don't know very well.

We have barely begun to tap into the genius of our humanity.

Vulnerable is a catch-all word like "love" and "schizophrenia."

A myth is something that never was but that is always happening.

My prayer is, let me be a blessing to someone or something today.

Your brain has one function-to do exactly what you tell it to do.

Human connections are deeply nurtured in the field of shared story.

Occasionally we will be overwhelmed, but mostly we will be enchanted.

We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.

When we are calling forth the depth and genius of the other, then we grow.

No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.

I don't think that any great issue ever gets resolved. I think we outgrow them.

I've been around for a very long time, I've been around since God had baby cheeks.

I find you have to come as litmus paper and be available to whatever way you can be.

Development involves giving up a smaller story in order to wake up to a larger story.

Each person is a really a great treasure house of capacities, possibilities, energies.

Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world.

If you keep telling the same sad small story. You will keep living the same sad small life.

Ironically, we are all too often educated out of rather than in to an awareness of the body.

Stories are living and dynamic. Stories exist to be exchanged. They are the currency of Human Growth.

As you allow the beloved to grow within you, you will discover a steadfastness to the spiritual journey.

The more you love, the more loving you become. That's just the way it works. It is a generosity of spirit.

The ideas are secondary to the primary premise of people's potential. I'm always in wonder and astonishment.

We are the love, the lover, the loving, and the love. It is the Supreme. It is the deepest force in our lives.

Try to spend a few moments each day holding a picture of your body and your mind in a state of splendid health.

We compensate for what we don't do internally by projecting and allowing our minds to be marinated in chronic fantasy.

Wth subtly developed body awareness, it is possible for the individual to become the conscious orchestrator of health.

You are not a passive observer in the cosmos. The entire universe is expressing itself through you at this very moment.

Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are.

Paul Brunton was a great original and got to a place of personal evolution that illumines the pathways of a future humanity.

The ecological crisis is doing what no other crisis in history has ever done - challenging us to a realization of a new humanity.

Time has driven out sex and money as the central issues. Now if it could only drive out the issue of power we would be somewhere!

We're in a decaying culture now. Naturally, the young people in the culture are going to feel themselves to be products of the decay.

Now is the time when we must renew ourselves and live as if we and all of life is sacred, and as if everything we do makes a difference.

Critical to any practice of sacred psychology is training in multiple imageries to facilitate the inner realism of journeys of the soul.

The tendrils of a new, deeper form of spirituality are growing. It's the greening under the surface crust of consciousness and social paradigm.

Pathos activates the eyes and ears to see and hear. At times of pathos, illness opens doors to a reality which is closed to a healthy point of view.

Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity.

Education and the process of educating is a total integral, contextual situation which includes students, teachers, parents, administration and environment.

We are sitting on a cornucopia of knowing that we had no way to access as a democracy. We couldn't get the democratization of the human capacity before our time.

Because of the nature of my life, because I train a great many people, I come upon such a huge variety of human species, as well as the earth species for that matter.

I think of spirit as that which evokes us - the lure of becoming that keeps calling. And I think of soul as that which gets us through the cartography of everyday life.

I'm a computer freak. I'm on the Internet every night. Sometimes I play dungeons and dragons with 15-year-old boys who think I'm a 15-year-old boy with a weird vocabulary.

We tend to think of the Faustian man, the one who fabricates, manipulates, seduces and ends up destroying. But the new image will be man the creator, the artist, the player.

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