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Everything in life influences my music. I've always used songwriting as a means to share what I think is profound.
I really want to be able to keep going and I realize that in some aspects I've got to treat myself like an athlete.
Timeless comes to mind. When you listen to it, you can't tell what year the thing was made. And you don't even care.
My dad is still the only Mraz in the Mechanicsville phone book, so he's getting calls from girls to see if I'm home!
If you have a dream, this is your chance. We don't always have to play it safe because people might think you're weird.
Genre-spanning is the effort to make the live show interesting. It's also a great way to challenge yourself as a writer.
As an American citizen, one has to vote. If we don't vote, we're not doing our part. We'll become some sort of oligarchy.
I'm not always a positive person. I wake up grumpy, I read the newspaper and I get furious that the world is still at war.
What I get on a yoga mat, and from a yoga teacher, has been more beneficial onstage than any other workshop I've ever done.
Just take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality. You see, nothing is ever at is seems, yeah this life is but a dream.
The measure of your character is not what you do when people are looking. It’s what you do when you think no one is looking.
I had never made a record before, so I didn't know anything about it. I don't know anything about knobs, frequencies, tones.
EVERYTHING is love, so the only thing that's not love is our resistance to love, is us trying to be separate from the world.
I love the sound of the wind in the trees and the song of the birds and the shuffle in the leaves of my many woodland friends.
I aim to write songs in a way that you don't have to have gone to Ghana to relate to it, you really just have to have a heart.
When I first started, my message was about joy, but I didn't really have the vocabulary and life experience to fully deliver it.
The studio and road both have their charms. The studio allows me to be a mad scientist and the tour lets me feel like James Bond.
I do feel most at home playing live, but the feeling of getting into the studio to see the new songs take shape was really incredible.
I love getting to bounce around and explore so much. I love Scandinavia. I love Spain. It's so mystical and romantic, yet it's gritty.
You can't live the rest of your life carrying a pain because your parents couldn't get along. I choose to spend my life crafting a joy.
I'm always thinking about the next record. I've got like 20 different themes and then I'll scratch the themes. It's a learning process.
It's through my health that I'm able to maintain that every single day and keep light in people until I'm actually of service to others.
I would love to blog daily but I have not been making time for it because my internet is very slow. Everyone should make time for writing.
If you have nothing but love for your avocados, and you take joy in turning them into guacamole, all you need is someone to share it with.
How we treat food is how we treat ourselves. Eating and buying organic means we're committed to a healthier world overall. It's good karma.
I've been compared to people since the beginning. When you're starting out, you need a comparison so people will understand you right away.
I meet people every single day who have heard the music and incorporated it into their lives. I feel like I have a tribe all around the world.
The soil is actually the greatest technology we have for adapting to climate change. And I feel it's our generation's duty to build it back up.
I had always been singing, all of my life, but it wasn't until I got out of high school and was on my own that I didn't have any accompaniment.
My memory is not so good so my most memorable show is the last one I played. Songs are written with intention but they only emerge in the moment.
You don't have to live near the ocean for it to have an impact on you. And you don't have to live near the ocean for you to have an impact on it.
I have always wanted to do an acoustic record from the very beginning of my career. I was a coffeeshop artist where everything I did was acoustic.
When you choose to be a loving person, it's magical how love comes back to you and brightens someone's day, changing your mood and that of the world.
I write my miserable songs. I write songs about disgust and self-pity. We’re all going to have bummer moments. That’s not the stuff I choose to share.
I love surfing and bodysurfing. I love getting slammed by the waves - that makes me feel alive. The waves are a good reminder that I'm small and fragile.
I was raised playing music in coffeehouses and I feel that was the foundation for my career. I think it is important that we remember where we came from.
In my relationship, I was giving myself away to make the relationship better, but in actuality, wasn't doing better by doing that. I became less of a man.
By the end of the writing process, which is about 80 songs per album, I look at the material and think, what's going to make a difference in someone's life.
The easiest songs to write are pure fiction. There is no limit to how you can tell the story. I find it difficult when I'm replaying an event through a song.
There's not much cooking in our household. We do a lot of raw food, so it's more about putting the right ingredients together to create something scrumptious.
The power of yes: that's what allows creativity to breathe and to come in. That's what allows your ideas to become living, breathing, moving dreams in action.
Our shows are packed with laughter and light-hearted songs to lift the listener from their everyday life. We encourage the audience to participate in any way.
When I fall in love I take my time There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine and I'll tell you why.
I've played Madison Square Garden and Jones Beach several times, but I personally don't enjoy those larger venues. I much prefer theater or a performance space.
One thing I'm most passionate about is that I'm geared up and ready for another cycle of touring, to go out in the world and be whoever I need to be for someone.
Well, for me, what I've learned at the very end of this, love is sharing, and I think that really is, for me, the best place to go to experience love, is sharing.
'I'm Yours' was written effortlessly in about 20 minutes' time, and I honestly thought it was more of like a kids' song, and I didn't do anything with it for years.
Sometimes you forget where the heck you are but when you get on stage, you know by the look on the people's faces and the accent in their voices where you might be.
I didn't know if I had the music for it or if I could pull off the larger concert experience. Then I realized if I can just continue to be myself, I'll be all right.
The foolish idea that my music can actually make a difference in someone's life - that right there is proof that it's working. It makes me feel great, it really does.