I'm confident that I can score goals in the Premier League.

Like I've always said, I'm with Hull no matter what the interest.

Bowen is a Welsh name and the family background is more rugby than football, but we're English through and through.

It is nice to see your name linked to some teams, but I am a Hull City player and as far as I'm aware it is just rumours.

Sometimes you just hit that form and everything goes in; you get chances and you're more ruthless with them, more clinical.

For me, it's good to have that versatility of playing in different positions. Wherever I'm playing, I try to change my game.

I think off the wing and just behind the striker are probably the two go-to positions, so to speak. I'm comfortable with playing both.

I'm playing in the Premier League and my first two games could be against Manchester City and Liverpool. I don't think it gets much better than that.

I've come over so many obstacles over the years, so now when things get chucked at me, I know that I can get through to the other side with the mindset that I've got.

I'm going to have to get used to the pace of the Premier League and the technical side of it. I had a little taste of it at Hull before they were relegated in 2017, but I've developed a lot as a player since then.

Luckily for me, Hereford restarted their youth team. I trained a few times with the first team before my first stroke of luck, when the club's youth team coach Pete Beadle, someone who knew me well, became the first-team manager.

Then me and my dad came up to Hull, our heads were turned and then the next week I was signing for Hull at 17. It all happened quite quickly but I was buzzing for it and it has benefited me now. It's been an unbelievable journey so far.

I went to Cardiff on trial for six weeks and felt I did really well, but then they turned around and said they weren't going to sign me. It was a bitter pill to swallow because Hereford, where I was playing at the time, were scrapping their youth team, so I didn't have any other options.

In the end, it was a no-brainer to join West Ham, but I still needed to take five minutes to myself because it's a big moment for anyone to move club, especially off the pitch when it involves moving to a big city. You've got to take every single factor into consideration because it's a big decision in your life.

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