Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner ...

Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong character.

See the gift that change delivers.

If your heart is open it can never stay broken.

Beauty is a radiance that orginates from within.

At the end of the day, I let myself have a glass of wine.

The best gift you can give someone is a part of your soul.

I wanted to be a serious actress rather than a pretty face.

I've had two terrific relationships, but both ended in marriage.

What I love about watercolor is that a lot of happy accidents occur.

One baby is a miracle. To be given two at once is a gift beyond words.

I did all the Chef Boyardee commercials, in America, when I was young.

'Dr. Quinn' came along when I turned 40, so my career actually peaked then.

I'm not involved in the politics of religion, but I love what the message is.

My Bond character was meant to look like a virgin. I don't think they do that very often.

People treat life as though it's the dress rehearsal for some big show. It's not. This is it.

It's really not a question of how long you have on this earth; it's about what you do with it.

The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way.

An agent once told me that if I would lose my English accent, I would never stop working in America.

People say women shouldn't have long hair over a certain age, but I've never done what everyone says.

You cannot do everything at once, so find people you trust to help you. And don't be afraid to say no.

I'm proud of my wrinkles. They give my face character. As an actress, you mess with that at your peril.

My mother lived in Holland, and during World War II was incarcerated in a Japanese camp for three years.

Live each day the fullest you can, not guaranteeing therell be a tomorrow, not dwelling endlessly on yesterday.

Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life.

I danced with the London Festival at Covent Garden. I'm a ballerina by trade; I'm a ballerina who sings by the way.

After my divorce, painting took me out of panic mode and into a serene, calm place. I could absolutely lose myself.

I love doing comedy. Absolutely love it. After 'Wedding Crashers,' people suddenly realized that it was something I could do.

I know that the purpose of life is to understand and be in the present moment with the people you love. It's just that simple.

I think the good thing about my face is it has always been expressive. With Botox that goes - not what you want as an actress.

I definitely believe in a God and in a higher power, and I definitely take from many different religious cultures. I go to church.

Every once in a while I go off to do a movie or a television series and I take my art with me. I can stay in character when I paint.

My father always told me, you can only be your own best. In other words, if you feel you've done your best, you've done well enough.

Now that I've experienced ageism, I don't regard it as a bad thing. It's been a transition to something more exciting and maybe edgier.

In life, when stuff happens the instinct is to close off your heart. By leaving your heart open, it leaves room for someone else to come in.

I have many friends who do not believe in luck; they believe in blessings. Likewise, I do not believe in coincidences; I believe in miracles.

People ask me how I keep my figure, and I tell them it's because I paint. When you're covered in paint, it's quite hard to put food in your mouth!

When I started painting 17 years ago, I never imagined that anyone would look at my work or buy my pieces. But now I do about 14 exhibitions each year.

If somebody believes that a certain practice will get them to heaven, and then other people believe a different way of doing it, I think it's their choice.

A lot of actresses I've worked with recently have done so much Botox their faces don't look real anymore. If you freeze everything on your face, you can't emote.

When I auditioned for 'Wedding Crashers,' the producers had never seen any of my other work except for Bond. I got 'Wedding Crashers' partly because I was a Bond girl.

When I'm in the U.K. I can't resist Maltesers and Twiglets - the evil combination. Luckily, I live in the U.S. so can't get them easily, which is probably a good thing.

My Open Hearts Family celebrates not only the traditional family but also extended families that we create from the people we open our hearts to as we journey through life.

You have to count on living every single day in a way you believe will make you feel good about your life - so that if it were over tomorrow, you'd be content with yourself.

Get over jet-lag quickly. I think a lot of people waste the first few days sleeping in the wrong time zone. Sometimes I take melatonin but at other times a glass of wine will do it.

I spend as much time as I possibly can doing things for other people, if I can. If I see a need and I feel that I can help, I do it. I work a great deal in terms of charities and things.

We must teach the next generation to not just learn languages, but whole cultures and belief systems. We will then make more of an effort to understand people and their different cultures.

I don't let the children watch TV on weeknights. They practice playing musical instruments instead. Both my sons play piano, drums and guitar, so my husband and I listen to them in the evening.

Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I've become a juggler, I suppose. It's all a big circus, and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but sometimes I do.

Music has brought me some of the highest moments of my life. I don't even hear the music. I don't even hear the notes. I'm not aware that someone has turned on a tape machine - I'm in another world.

I had ordered long legs, but they never arrived. My eyes are weird too, one is gray and the other is green. I have a crooked smile and my nose looks like a ski slope. No, I would not win a Miss contest.

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