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...You'd think the little part about them supposedly killing us would be the attention getter.
Bluh-huh-huh" Minho groaned, a shudder of repulsion, like he'd just stepped in a pile of klunk.
Sometimes what works in a book is too "in your face" when converted to the big screen and sound.
Too bad we don't have a flashlight." "Thanks for stating the obvious, Mr. Thomas," Minho replied.
The betrayal meant he couldn't trust her anymore, and his heart told him he couldn't forgive her.
Can’t take a chance that one day, in one spot, somewhere, an exit might appear. We can’t give up. Ever.
I don't think anything's more rewarding than hearing that you've helped someone gain a love of reading.
When I'm feeling a little empty in the head, I like to go see movies or read to loosen things up there.
I'm a Crank. I'm slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people.
But first, my friends, I need you to do something for me. We have two spies in the back of the auditorium.
Awww," Minho said. "That's almost as sweet as that time she slammed the end of a spear into your shuck face.
I don't give a crap if you're a Tangent or a really smart llama. You're my friend and that's all that matters
Sometimes they do things to make me do the opposite of what they think, I think, they think, I am going to do.
Good try, ya bugging shank. The Gathering elects Runners, and if you think I'm tough, they'd laugh in your face.
Thomas: Is it [my brain] fixed? Brenda: It worked, judging from the fact that you're not trying to kill us anymore.
But there was something about the largest object in the solar system vanishing that tended to disrupt normal schedules.
Oh, I'm good. Seriously, after all these years, you'd think I would stop amazing myself. But here I am, still doing it.
Though he’d never know for sure what had happened to them, his mind was super talented at imagining the absolute worst.
Whatever had happened to him [Newt] out there — maybe even related to his lingering ankle injury — had been truly awful.
We were lining up and counting off nice and easy till you came stumbling through like a doped-up bull,' Minho responded.
You'll work hard to create characters that are compelling and unforgettable. But in the end, it's the story that matters.
The girl leaned forward and kissed Thomas on the cheek. “You’re sweet. I really hope we don’t end up killing you, at least.
I'm inspired by almost everything I come across in life, and one way or another they find themselves sneaking into my stories.
Rose took my nose, I suppose,” he repeated; the bubble of phlegm in his throat made a disgusting crackle. “And it really blows.
You’re so sweet,' Frypan said with a snort. 'Go ahead and die with Thomas. I think I’ll sneak away and enjoy living with the guilt.
You’re disgusting when you eat,” Chuck said, sitting on the bench next to him. “It’s like watching a starving pig eat his own klunk.
I think Judy Blume, Stephen King, and Dean Koontz are the three authors responsible for my being where I am today. I owe them a lot.
When it comes to individual destiny, there is no power greater in the universe then the conviction of the human soul to make a choice.
She and Thomas had helped construct the Maze; at the same time she’d exerted a lot of effort to build a wall holding back her emotions.
If you're going to decipher a hidden code from a complex set of different mazes, I'm pretty sure you need a girl's brain running the show.
i felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone
In other words, a considerable portion of your extraordinary gift comes from the simple fact that you very much want to do good." -Master George
What's going on?" Newt asked, looking back and forth between Thomas and Aris. "Why're you guys looking at each other like you just fell in love?
He turned to look just in time to see the rain start falling out as if the storm had finally decided to weep with shame for what it had done to them.
Minho looked at Thomas, a serious expression on his face. "If I don't see you on the other side," he said in a sappy voice, "remember that I love you.
Down the road a bit, I would like to write a couple of stand-alone adult novels, especially in the horror genre. I've got lots of things up my sleeve.
A roar cut through the melee: a booming growl, a noise that might come out of a she-bear protecting a cub. It was Alec- and suddenly bodies were flying everywhere.
He didn't have a single clue what was going on with these two strangers, but every instinct told him Master George equaled good, Mistress Jane equaled bald- he blinked-uh, bad.
She smiled for the first time, and he almost had to look away, as if something that nice didn’t belong in such a glum and gray place, as if he had no right to look at her expression.
In my early writing, all of my characters were exactly the same person. They all spoke the same, made the same types of jokes, reacted the same, etc. I think they were all just me in disguise.
To practice - write each and every day if possible - then try to attend professional writer's conferences where you can learn your craft, get to know fellow writers, and meet editors and agents.
I really love middle-grade. Middle-grade books have a little more of a magical, light-hearted feel. You can be a little bit more quirky, you can have a little more humor. It doesn't get so dark and deep.
Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked, pulling Thomas's attention away from Alby. "Go ahead," Newt replied. Minho nodded and faced the crowd. "Be careful," he said dryly. "Don't die.
Dude, you tried to slice my you-know-what's off!" Thomas laughed, something that he hadn't done in a long time. He welcomed it happily. "Too bad I didn't. Could've saved the world from future little Minhos.
All the same, Thomas now had a plan. As bad as it was, he had a plan. They needed more clues about the code. They needed MEMORIES. So he was going to get stung by a Griever. Go through the Changing. On purpose.
KILL ME!" And then Newt's eyes cleared, as if he'd gained one last trembling gasp of sanity, and his voice softened. "Please, Tommy. Please." With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.
He didn't care about the others anymore. The chaos around him seemed to siphon away his humanity, turn him into an animal. All he wanted was to survive, make it to that building, get inside. Live. Gain another day.
Do books about the Holocaust make us think, "Oh well, there was nothing we could've done to prevent that or prevent it from happening again"? Of course not. It makes us angry and determined to stop such atrocities.
Thoughts of the girl crashed around his mind, made him remember the connection he felt. A sadness washed over him, as if he missed her, wanted to see her. That doesn't make sense, he thought. I don't even know her name.
Your demons are always with you, Skale answered. His voice seemed even raspier than the day before. Don't you understand that by now? Always with you, impossible to escape. But you never can guess how they might manifest themselves.