I'm scared of ghosts and aliens.

Whatever you want me to bake, I'll do it badly.

One day I'll bring a biography of my life out and that will be the biggest joke I'll ever tell.

I'd done comedy for years, it was almost like breathing so doing something new is dead exciting.

I'm not built to be famous, I'm not a star. I'm not special, so being stared at makes me very anxious.

The worst thing is when people criticise you and you go, 'Yeah, you're right.' It's really hard to take.

People take secret pictures of me... it fries my brain. I'm just a bloke, Just come and talk to me, I'd love to talk to you.

If something's fun and you'll enjoy doing it, there's no reason why you shouldn't. That's basically the criteria that I judge jobs by.

I think I was a pretty ordinary teenager, boring, just played video games with my mates and went to the pub, stuff like that. Just very normal.

I was fitting kitchens before I could afford not to - so I was still fitting kitchens whilst the first series of The Inbetweeners was coming out.

That was very much a possibility with doing the movie for 'The Inbetweeners'. We didn't know if it was going to work or if people were going to like it.

I'm not competitive at all, I just don't care. I have my own standards I want to meet, but it's a very, very low bar. Even then I struggle to meet those standards.

My wife's a really keen baker, and her mother is also a really keen baker, so they were giving me a little hand over the weekend, and giving me tips, things like that.

The thing that's really difficult with it is that, in my job, I'm used to being criticised - especially with the small amount of talent that I have, I'm wide open for criticism.

I was in a TV show called 'Orrible' with Johnny Vaughan, I did the last series of 'Teachers', I did two or three different characters on 'The Bill'. Just stuff like that. The 'Inbetweeners' was the first thing that really took off.

I was in a position where I was going to wait for the 'Inbetweeners' film to come out before I decided what I was going to do next, but as soon I was asked to be involved with 'Comic Strip', I was incredibly flattered and jumped at it.

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