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I started my career as a swimsuit model. My first big break in America was 2007, 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Issue.
Mutual respect is very important in a relationship, and since my work is part of my life, he would have to respect it.
At 14, I'd have given my left arm to be a boy: I thought I was horrible and that no-one would ever find me attractive.
You can see designers and fashion people bringing in older girls to do their shows - I'm not even afraid to say 'older.'
My father used to be a fisherman, so it always makes me feel close to him when I am there on the water catching my dinner.
I think success is very hard work, so, you know, if you work hard and you have some success, you have to give up something.
My favorite spot is the Maldives. Since I travel so much for work, I like to go to places that are very secluded and quiet.
Both should share the same concept of what a relationship means and the same energy to believe in a monogamous relationship.
After school, my sister and I helped our mom in the garden. We grew potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes - not for fun, but to eat.
Even if you have some extra kilos, you don't need to kill yourself for that; you just have to look at yourself as a positive.
I was noticed by a person from a local model agency, and he proposed that I participate in a beauty contest Miss Chelyabinsk.
If you want to eat chocolate or cakes, you have to eat it in the morning, for breakfast or lunch - don't eat it in the night.
To me, being worth it means being independent and carving your own path. The L'Oreal woman is worth it because she wants to be.
Use coconut oil; it is one of the best moisturizers. Use it right after the shower on wet skin and then wipe it off with a towel.
I hate morning workout; I'm a night person more. But it's good to work out in the mornings because then you can have all day free.
When I was growing up in Russia, my grandmothers would cook the best pancakes in the world, the best meatballs, the best dumplings.
You know what I love about Haruki Murakami's books? He's so easy to read. You get three pages in and you have to finish the whole thing.
We will all be gone one day. Not as a negative thing - as a positive thing, too, you know, and we should leave something behind ourselves.
I hate cardio; I hate to go for a run. I hate physical things. But Jiu Jitsu is fun because its self-defence and you get some good cardio.
I love traveling. I hate jet lag, but I love, love, love, love traveling, to meet new people, to try different foods because I'm a big foodie.
I'm in hotel rooms most of the time, and it can be hard to find a hotel with a nice gym. It was important for me to have a workout I could do in my room.
Stay away from the sun and remember the skin on a woman's neck, hands and face is sensitive and ages easily, so apply a high SPF sunscreen on those areas.
I always had a short bob with bangs, and I hated it. My mum would always say, 'A short hair cut is always the way to go for you.' I had it for fourteen years!
Try not to eat after 7 P.M. Try to stay away from heavy food in the night, like hamburgers and chicken nuggets. Eat that stuff in the morning or early afternoon.
I never thought of a career of as a model, and it was a total surprise for me when I won the contest and became Miss Chelyabinsk. Then I started modelling in Paris.
The only art I have is a Polaroid from Peter Beard from his book. I shot with him four years ago, and he did a special Polaroid for me, so I consider it a piece of art.
I love to do Pilates, boxing and even just going on a run. I do cardio twice a week as it's important for people who want to eat lots like me! I do Pilates ones a week.
I can sometimes be a demanding person and Cristiano is really patient dealing with my personality. So I also try my hardest to offer him all my support when he needs it.
I travel around the world, and there are so many beautiful girls, but that's not going to make you a supermodel. You have to have something more than just a pretty face.
Actually, I wanted to become a journalist, but no matter who I imagined myself to be in the future, somehow I was sure: I would leave my hometown. I felt it was my destiny.
I believe women should be independent and have their own life. But I also think that when a couple decides to have a family, things change because you need to live in unison.
I would definitely like to start a family because it's the most important thing in the world and what you should take care of, along with your friends and the people you love.
I hadn't planned to be a model. It just happened by pure chance. I went to a beauty school with my sister, and I got discovered pretty late. I was discovered when I was 20-21.
What I've never understood is why some women use plastic surgery to make themselves more attractive to men. The most beautiful woman is someone who's happy and is always smiling.
Everyone needs to find something they love to do - it's not about what they have to do. You need to make it fun! So if shopping is your love and you hate exercise, walk to the shops!
I'm from a very small village in the middle of nowhere, four hours by airplane from Moscow. Yemanzhelinsk - you wouldn't find it on the map. Don't even try it. It's super, super tiny.
My personal memories of the brand go way back to the time when I was a teenager. L'Oreal make-up felt like a real luxury for me, and I remember dreaming of purchasing a L'Oreal lipstick.
I really love to play 'Moonlight Sonata' by Beethoven. I can still read music, but I need to practise more. The way your fingers move - it's something that comes from memory. I love music.
Just for you to know, people, models, are very smart. We're investing money in the right way, and, you know, a modeling job I'm taking as a businesswoman. So it's not fun for me; it's work.
I don't spend a lot of money on clothes, which is weird because I am a fashion model, but when it comes to the new collections coming out, I am just praying designers send it to me for free.
If you're with someone, it's because you're moving in the same direction, and you both are looking for the same thing. Both of you have to share the same concept of what a relationship means.
It doesn't matter if you're small, big, or fit: if you go in front of the camera and deliver and say, 'Oh my God, I look amazing,' and just be sure about yourself, everything will be perfect.
I hate jet lag, but I love, love, love, love traveling - to meet new people, to try different foods because I'm a big foodie. I love food, even though people think models don't eat. We do eat.
You have to invest the money in a certain thing, because, you know, at 40, I want to enjoy my life. So I do a lot of investments. Apartments back in Russia and New York. It's a good thing to do.
Nothing is easy, and as far as my modelling career goes, the path to the top has been long and difficult, but that's what makes it special. I always look back to remind myself where I've come from.
For my body, I like high-waisted jeans because they make your leg look longer and hides this extra thing on my stomach. You can eat extra food with it because it hides, and I like to tuck in my t-shirts.
In Russia, we eat a lot of heavy food like potatoes and lots of meat. I can't eat one apple or a salad a day. You wouldn't want to come talk to me if I don't eat. I have to eat, or I am in a really bad mood.
I couldn't speak any English when I first left Russia, and Intimissimi taught me everything. The team was like a family to me - they showed me how to model and how to stay in shape. They really believed in me.
A lot of people think that to make it as a model you just need to be pretty and slim, but they're wrong. There's a lot of hard work involved. You have to be very focused, know what kind of work you're aiming for.
In my business, you should be very strong in mind. You have to be sure about yourself and about your work and your career, and you have to be strong inside because so many people come around and try to say bad things about you.