Day is pushed out by day, and each new moon hastens to its death. [Lat., Truditur dies die, Novaeque pergunt interire lunae.]

Those who seek for much are left in want of much. Happy is he to whom God has given, with sparing hand, as much as is enough.

This was my prayer: an adequate portion of land with a garden and a spring of water and a small wood to complete the picture.

The work you are treating is one full of dangerous hazard, and you are treading over fires lurking beneath treacherous ashes.

The shame is not in having sported, but in not having broken off the sport. [Lat., Nec luisse pudet, sed non incidere ludum.]

Do not pursue with the terrible scourge him who deserves a slight whip. [Lat., Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello.]

Pale death approaches with equal step, and knocks indiscriminately at the door of teh cottage, and the portals of the palace.

Sad people dislike the happy, and the happy the sad; the quick thinking the sedate, and the careless the busy and industrious.

In truth it is best to learn wisdom, and abandoning all nonsense, to leave it to boys to enjoy their season of play and mirth.

Fate with impartial hand turns out the doom of high and low; her capacious urn is constantly shaking the names of all mankind.

Let us both small and great push forward in this work, in this pursuit, if to our country, if to ourselves we would live dear.

Alas, Postumus, the fleeting years slip by, nor will piety give any stay to wrinkles and pressing old age and untamable death.

Suffering is but another name for the teaching of experience, which is the parent of instruction and the schoolmaster of life.

Misfortunes, untoward events, lay open, disclose the skill of a general, while success conceals his weakness, his weak points.

You will have written exceptionally well if, by skilful arrangement of your words, you have made an ordinary one seem original.

Choose a subject equal to your abilities; think carefully what your shoulders may refuse, and what they are capable of bearing.

The more we deny ourselves, the more the gods supply our wants. [Lat., Quanto quisque sibi plura negaverit, A dis plura feret.]

There is a mean in all things; even virtue itself has stated limits; which not being strictly observed, it ceases to be virtue.

The lazy ox wishes for horse-trappings, and the steed wishes to plough. [Lat., Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus.]

In adversity be spirited and firm, and with equal prudence lessen your sail when filled with a too fortunate gale of prosperity.

Excellence when concealed, differs but little from buried worthlessness. [Lat., Paullum sepultae distat inertiae Celata virtus.]

Though your threshing floor grind a hundred thousand bushels of corn, not for that reason will your stomach hold more than mine.

He despises what he sought; and he seeks that which he lately threw away. [Lat., Quod petit spernit, repetit quod nuper omisit.]

One night is awaiting us all, and the way of death must be trodden once. [Lat., Omnes una manet nox, Et calcanda semel via leti.]

If a man's fortune does not fit him, it is like the shoe in the story; if too large it trips him up, if too small it pinches him.

Let's put a limit to the scramble for money. ... Having got what you wanted, you ought to begin to bring that struggle to an end.

Rains driven by storms fall not perpetually on the land already sodden, neither do varying gales for ever disturb the Caspian sea.

The cautious wolf fears the pit, the hawk regards with suspicion the snare laid for her, and the fish the hook in its concealment.

Those who want much, are always much in need; happy the man to whom God gives with a sparing hand what is sufficient for his wants.

I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

Nor let a god come in, unless the difficulty be worthy of such an intervention. [Lat., Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus.]

Pry not into the affairs of others, and keep secret that which has been entrusted to you, though sorely tempted by wine and passion.

It is but a poor establishment where there are not many superfluous things which the owner knows not of, and which go to the thieves.

Better wilt thou neither always pressing out to sea nor too closely hugging the dangerous shore in cautious fear of storms.

Shun to seek what is hid in the womb of the morrow, and set down as gain in life's ledger whatever time fate shall have granted thee.

I would advise him who wishes to imitate well, to look closely into life and manners, and thereby to learn to express them with truth.

The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain.

The illustration which solves one difficulty by raising another, settles nothing. [Lat., Nil agit exemplum, litem quod lite resolvit.]

He will often have to scratch his head, and bite his nails to the quick. [To succeed he will have to puzzle his brains and work hard.]

Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year?

It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity

Never inquire into another man's secret; bur conceal that which is intrusted to you, though pressed both be wine and anger to reveal it.

It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.

And I endeavour to subdue circumstances to myself, and not myself to circumstances. [Lat., Et mihi res, non me rebus, subjungere conor.]

Wise were the kings who never chose a friend till with full cups they had unmasked his soul, and seen the bottom of his deepest thoughts.

A shoe that is too large is apt to trip one, and when too small, to pinch the feet. So it is with those whose fortune does not suit them.

Our years Glide silently away. No tears, No loving orisons repair The wrinkled cheek, the whitening hair That drop forgotten to the tomb.

The body oppressed by excesses bears down the mind, and depresses to the earth any portion of the divine spirit we had been endowed with.

Who guides below, and rules above, The great disposer, and the mighty king; Than He none greater, next Him none, That can be, is, or was.

This is a fault common to all singers, that among their friends they will never sing when they are asked; unasked, they will never desist.

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