He who preserves a man's life against his will does the same thing as if he slew him.

Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense, now and then, is pleasant.

Deep in the cavern of the infant's breast; the father's nature lurks, and lives anew.

Usually the modest person passes for someone reserved, the silent for a sullen person.

No one is born without vices, and he is the best man who is encumbered with the least.

Money is a handmaiden, if thou knowest how to use it; a mistress, if thou knowest not.

My cares and my inquiries are for decency and truth, and in this I am wholly occupied.

Noble descent and worth, unless united with wealth, are esteemed no more than seaweed.

Curst is the wretch enslaved to such a vice, Who ventures life and soul upon the dice.

False praise can please, and calumny affright None but the vicious, and the hypocrite.

You may suppress natural propensities by force, but they will be certain to re-appear.

Whither, O god of wine, art thou hurrying me, whilst under thy all-powerful influence?

In laboring to be concise, I become obscure. [Lat., Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio.]

The one who prosperity takes too much delight in will be the most shocked by reverses.

When we try to avoid one fault, we are led to the opposite, unless we be very careful.

It is of no consequence of what parents a man is born, as long as he be a man of merit.

High descent and meritorious deeds, unless united to wealth, are as useless as seaweed.

Dismiss the old horse in good time, lest he fail in the lists and the spectators laugh.

Be this thy brazen bulwark, to keep a clear conscience, and never turn pale with guilt.

Those who say nothing about their poverty will obtain more than those who turn beggars.

While we're talking, envious time is fleeing: pluck the day, put no trust in the future

Pale death, with impartial step, knocks at the hut of the poor and the towers of kings.

Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam. Instruction enlarges the natural powers of the mind.

If it is well with your belly, chest and feet - the wealth of kings can't give you more.

The wolf dreads the pitfall, the hawk suspects the snare, and the kite the covered hook.

Even virtue followed beyond reason's rule May stamp the just man knave, the sage a fool.

Get what start the sinner may, Retribution, for all her lame leg, never quits his track.

Wealth increaseth, but a nameless something is ever wanting to our insufficient fortune.

The good hate sin because they love virtue. [Lat., Oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore.]

Riches with their wicked inducements increase; nevertheless, avarice is never satisfied.

In the capacious urn of death, every name is shaken. [Lat., Omne capax movet urna nomen.]

Having no business of his own to attend to, he busies himself with the affairs of others.

Nor does Apollo keep his bow continually drawn. [Lat., Neque semper arcum Tendit Apollo.]

The snow has at last melted, the fields regain their herbage, and the trees their leaves.

A jest often decides matters of importance more effectively and happily than seriousness.

He wears himself out by his labours, and grows old through his love of possessing wealth.

The covetous person is full of fear; and he or she who lives in fear will ever be a slave.

I am frightened at seeing all the footprints directed towards thy den, and none returning.

Whom does undeserved honour please, and undeserved blame alarm, but the base and the liar?

You have played enough; you have eaten and drunk enough. Now it is time for you to depart.

He's arm'd without that's innocent within; Be this thy Screen, and this thy Wall of Brass.

Lighten grief with hopes of a brighter morrow; Temper joy, in fear of a change of fortune.

One goes to the right, the other to the left; both are wrong, but in different directions.

In Rome you long for the country. In the country you praise to the skies the distant town.

The man is either mad or his is making verses. [Lat., Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit.]

He appears mad indeed but to a few, because the majority is infected with the same disease.

Pale death with an impartial foot knocks at the hovels of the poor and the palaces of king.

However rich or elevated, a name less something is always wanting to our imperfect fortune.

We hate merit while it is with us; when taken away from our gaze, we long for it jealously.

He is armed without who is innocent within, be this thy screen, and this thy wall of brass.

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